
America’s Masonic Roots and Globalism – Intercessors for America

Did you know that America’s founding includes a deep attachment to occultism along with the incorporation of Christian principles? Two years ago, IFA content contributor Nancy Huff wrote about the Masonic Influence in the U.S. That reality is worth revisiting because of its ties to burgeoning globalist tendencies in our government today.

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It is no secret that many of our Founding Fathers were members of the Freemasons. Historians believe that secret societies attracted the Founders because of their need to shroud their plans to overthrow the British. George Washington, for instance, was a high-ranking Freemason and, at the same time, a professing Christian. Nancy describes how he brought in a French architect to lay out Washington, D.C., in the shape of Masonic symbols. The Washington Monument was later designed in the shape of an obelisk, another Masonic symbol, and the White House is said to contain a cornerstone with Freemason symbols and a time capsule, though that cornerstone has never been found. In addition, the U.S. dollar depicts the all-seeing “Eye of Providence” in front of a pyramid, a symbol often associated with the Illuminati — the European movement of enlightening closely associated with Freemasonry. And, as Nancy points out, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and the U.S. Constitution all contain elements of text lifted verbatim from the Constitution of the Freemasons, written 50 years before by Freemason James Anderson.

The presence of Freemasons has persisted over the years. Today’s members will have you believe it is merely a philanthropic society that keeps its activities secret, but insiders have stated otherwise. One of my early spiritual mentors specialized in exposing cults — especially those with ties to Christianity. He became a member of several so he could obtain their secret materials. He explained that most are divided into tiers and that a first-tier member would indeed believe that he belongs to a philanthropic brotherhood. The higher you climb, the more secrets are unlocked for you. That is where the pagan and occult roots of Freemasonry become evident. That is important to know because Freemasonry continues to influence our society. Nancy has already pointed out its influence in schools, which has resulted in the removal of Christian influence and its replacement with secular teaching.

But today we see another shift in thinking that can be traced back to Masonic ideals: globalism. That’s not the same as globalization. The latter is the more or less spontaneous result of international collaboration in such things as distribution systems and communication. Globalism, on the other hand, seeks the collectivization of the masses by imposing ideological dogmas on everyone, such as mandatory vaccines during a pandemic. Financier George Soros is a prominent proponent of globalism, as are the U.N. and its affiliate organizations. But globalism’s spiritual root goes beyond the activities of idealists. According to experts, Freemasons have been seeking a new world led by a single government ever since their inception in 1717 — one world government and one world religion.

That leads us to another organization closely linked to Freemasonry: Rosicrucianism. The Encyclopedia Brittanica describes it as a secretive movement that dates back to the late 1500s and is deeply influenced by theosophy, esoterica, alchemy, and occultism. After some time, it experienced a decline but saw renewed interest during the occult revival in Europe and the United States during the 19th century. My mentor mentioned above became a third-degree Rosicrucian and thus found out that its top practitioners were called “The Great White Brotherhood,” from which an occult world government of 12 was selected. That world government has existed and been operating behind the scenes of global politics for several hundred years and reportedly contains numerous influential individuals of significant financial or political weight. Due to the society’s secrecy, its membership is obscure, so it isn’t easy to ascertain who belongs to it.

The collaboration between these two societies in promoting globalism cannot be underestimated. For many, it seems like a far-fetched conspiracy theory, but for discerning believers, they are components of Satan’s temporary mastery over the world. Ever since God “disinherited” the nations and gave them over to the rule of their gods (see Deuteronomy 32:8) after their rebellion at the Tower of Babel, those “gods,” demonic entities in Satan’s camp, have been busy creating world systems that are hostile to God.

The occult roots of these secret societies operating behind the scenes of global affairs connect them directly to demonic influence. They are vehicles for global manipulation made up of influential figures who can use their secrecy to remain hidden. The freedoms our U.S. Constitution offers have made it possible to flourish here, so it should not surprise us that their influence upon the hallowed halls of Congress and the wheelings and dealings in the Oval Office are substantial.

Think of it as a massive plant. You can see its stems, leaves, and flowers — what color they are and how they grow — but the roots that make the growth possible remain out of sight beneath the soil. That is the same with the direction the U.S. government is taking today. You can see its rapidly growing tendencies toward globalism, but you can’t determine what drives it.

How To Pray

How, then, do we persist in prayer for these secretive occult footholds in our nation that have been present from its beginning and continue to drive its activities on the global scene?

First, continue to pray for nationwide revival, as Nancy points out in her article. Revivals are the greatest and most effective disruptors of godless culture and ideology. It turns people back to God and His design for life and away from fascination with the occult and embrace of globalist ideology that drives them unwittingly into bondage to totalitarian rule.

Second, pray for exposure. Continue to pray that God will bring what is hidden in darkness to light. That became an important prayer approach to the apparent underhanded manipulations of the 2020 elections but is needed even more now that we have taken great leaps forward to the U.S. being aligned with globalism.

Third, pray for the emergence and election of political candidates at every level who are godly men and women of discernment, and who will reverse our nation’s move to globalism.

The kind of globalism that Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism promote is hostile to God. It actively resists any notion of the existence and sovereignty of the God of the Bible. It serves the Antichrist. It will attack and seek to squelch the spread of the gospel and make evangelism and missions — the Church’s central task still ongoing — taboo. But we have faith in a God Whose power far exceeds that of secret societies and the demons they serve.

Almighty God, we pray that You, amid the growing instability in our nation, would ignite a nationwide revival that brings people back to Yourself in repentance of sin. May their eyes be opened to what is happening around them and may they turn away from New Age and new-world ideas. Expose the secrecy of the societies at work behind the scenes of national and world politics. Protect the advance of the gospel. Raise up godly candidates and enable them to be elected to return our nation to being one nation under You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Share your own prayers for revival with other intercessors below!

Remco Brommet is a pastor, spiritual-growth teacher, and prayer leader with over 40 years of experience in Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, and the U.S. He was born and raised in the Netherlands and pastored his first church in Amsterdam. He moved to the U.S. in 1986. He and his wife, Jennifer, live north of Atlanta. When not writing books, he blogs at and assists his wife as a content developer and prayer coordinator for True Identity Ministries. Jennifer and Remco are passionate about bringing people into a deeper relationship with Christ. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

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