Passing on the Peace: Remembering Our Rituals

Remembering our song When our first grandson entered the world two months into a global pandemic, my husband—now a “Papa”—and …

March 29, 2024

Managing Editor for Publishing and Experiences Director at Good Faith Media. He is a historian, lecturer, public speaker, award-winning author …

What Truly Happened to Jesus on the Cross?

If Jesus wasn’t truly condemned on the cross, then we are not truly justified before God. If Jesus did not …

God Allows Circumstances for His Purposes

In God’s plan, more was going on than what met the eye. Although uncomfortable physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, God …

The Diseased Ethics of Bailout Culture

Our culture has been shaped by the godless notion that compassion means the abolition of consequences. Addicts should be given …

How Can We Sing the Lord’s Songs in Babylon?

This world is Babylon—the world in rebellion against the Lord. It presses in on us constantly, trying to squeeze us …

The Carpenter and the Cross

Why was Jesus born the son of a carpenter to work as a carpenter? The question remains answered only in …