
Elon Musk’s X to sue Australia for censoring Canadian man’s post criticizing LGBT activist – LifeSite

Send an urgent message to Canadian legislators urging them to stop more online censorship laws

(LifeSiteNews) — Elon Musk’s social media company X is filing a legal challenge against Australia for demanding the removal of a pro-family Canadian man’s post accurately identifying the sex of an LGBT activist.  

On March 29, X’s Global Government Affairs account announced it would take legal action against Australian E-Safety Commissioner Julie Grant after she threatened to fine the platform if it failed to block a post by pro-family activist Chris “Billboard” Elston, which was allegedly offensive to an LGBT activist.  

“Earlier this week, X was ordered by the Australian E-Safety Commissioner, subject to an approximately $800,000 AUD fine, to remove a user’s post,” the account wrote. “The post had criticized an individual appointed by the World Health Organization to serve as an expert on transgender issues.” 

“X is withholding the post in Australia in compliance with the order but intends to file a legal challenge to the order to protect its user’s right to free speech,” it continued.  

Elston, known online as Billboard Chris, is a Canadian father who publicly speaks out against the dangers of the transgender movement, especially with respect to the giving of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to children. His recent post that has caused this massive media attention and legal battle came in February when he criticized the appointment of Teddy Cook, a woman who believes she is a man, to a World Health Organization expert panel. 

“This woman (yes, she’s female) is part of a panel of 20 ‘experts’ hired by the @WHO to draft their policy on caring for ‘trans people,’” Elston posted.   

“People who belong in psychiatric wards are writing the guidelines for people who belong in psychiatric wards,” he added.  

According to the Daily Mail, Cook, an advocate for taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries in Australia, has published public nudity, bondage parties, trans orgies, and bestiality on his now-private social media.  

However, instead of being concerned over Cook’s posts, Grant targeted Elston for his “deliberately degrading” post.  

“An ordinary reasonable person in the position of the Complainant would regard the Material as being offensive,” Grant’s letter read.   

Elston refused to remove his post, saying, “I do not hold that woman in contempt for her transgender identity, because I maintain that gender identities do not exist.” 

Australia’s attempt at censorship seems to have backfired as Elston has received international attention for his post, with many new outlets interviewing him regarding the incident.  

Elston has also announced that he will be working with the Free Speech Union of Australia to file an appeal against the Australia commissioner.  

Send an urgent message to Canadian legislators urging them to stop more online censorship laws

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