
Biden Admin Provides Millions of Dollars in Grants for Illegal Immigrants – American Faith

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that it is providing $300 million in grants through the Shelter and Services Program (SSP) to “support communities that are providing services to migrants,” according to a press release.

Another $340.9 million will be allocated through the Shelter and Services Program-Competitive grant program and will support migrant services.

“DHS efforts to manage and secure our borders in a safe, orderly, and humane way include support for communities, as well as strengthened consequences for those without a lawful basis to remain and an expansion of lawful pathways that have helped reduce the number of encounters from specific populations,” the statement added.

Despite claiming that DHS efforts have “helped reduce the number” of migrant encounters, over 7 million illegal immigrants have been encountered along U.S. borders since President Joe Biden took office in 2021, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data.

A recently passed $1.2 trillion budget bill allocates a significant amount of funds for overseas border efforts.

About $380 million supports “enhanced border security” in Egypt, Lebanon, Oman, Tunisia, and Jordan.

Former ICE Field Office Director John Fabbricator condemned the foreign funding.

“While our border falls apart, the Biden Administration will be giving 380 million dollars to other countries to secure their borders,” he wrote on X. “That’s right, you are being conned. Are you angry yet? Have you had enough?”

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