
Toronto Catholic school board chair was reader on Daily TV Mass after voting against pro-life motion – LifeSite

TORONTO (LifeSiteNews) — Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) chair Nancy Crawford, who betrayed Catholic teaching on the unborn, was the reader for the Daily TV Mass.

On April 29, Crawford read the reading at the Loretto Abbey Chapel in Toronto just days after she voted against a motion to fly the pro-life flag at TCDSB schools and silenced pro-life parents in favor of the motion.

“At Iconium, Paul and Barnabas spoke in such a way that a great number of both Jews and Greeks became believers,” Crawford read from the Acts of the Apostles.

Interestingly, the reading recounted how Saints Paul and Barnabas were driven out of the city for proclaiming the Gospel, similar to how trustee Michael Del Grande’s motion was driven out of the TCDSB meeting.

If passed, the motion would have pro-life flags flown on top of all school district buildings during the month of May to remember the unborn.

The reading also described how Paul and Barnabas refused to be honored for working miracles, instead directing the glory to Jesus. The reading seemed particularly fitting as Crawford appears to have forgotten that for Catholics, the glory is not on earth, and we are not called to be popular in this life but to defend for the truth.

Indeed, the reading is in direct contradiction to Crawford’s behavior during an April 23 board meeting, where trustees voted down the pro-life motion.

Del Grande’s motion was rejected in an 8-2 vote. Scarborough trustee Garry Tanuan was the only trustee other than Del Grande to vote in favor of the motion.

When speaking in favor of his motion before the vote, Del Grande told the board there is “an opportunity to showcase ourselves as defenders of human rights in the greatest social justice battle of our day.”

“We are a pro-life board,” he implored.

After saying this, some 50-plus attendees at the meeting seated in the public gallery erupted in applause, which immediately drew Crawford’s ire.

During the meeting and before the vote, several people were allowed to speak in support of Del Grande’s motion.

Multiple times public attendees in the gallery voiced their displeasure with the TCDSB for not supporting Del Grande’s motion. As a result, Crawford expelled the gallery attendees, after having given them multiple warnings to be quiet, observing that they could watch the rest of the meeting as they all had “computers.”

Soon after the vote, multiple people in the gallery started shouting, “shame, shame,” with one person saying loudly, “This isn’t a Catholic board.”

Crawford immediately stood up and called for “security” to “clear the building of our visitors.”

As supporters of the motion exited, one could be heard saying, “This is supposed to be a Catholic school.”

Indeed, despite the board’s decision, the Catholic Church’s teaching on the sanctity of life remains clear and unchangeable.

Pope John Paul II’s pro-life encyclical Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life) affirmed the Church’s constant, traditional and historical teaching on the sanctity of human life and the gravity of the crime of abortion.

However, this is hardly the first time the TCDSB has decided in favor of the “woke” ideology. Indeed, the same board that this month voted down the pro-life motion voted in 2021 in favor of flying the gay “pride” flags at atop its schools.

As reported by LifeSiteNews, the TCDSB in recent months has seemingly had no issues with promoting a pro-LGBT agenda, as can be seen in an instance from earlier this year when it recommended its staff watch a pro-LGBT play about a little girl who thinks she is a boy.

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