
Google Retracts Decision To Ban Trump Ad Targeting Biden On Inflation, Immigration – American Faith

Google reportedly back tracked after removing an ad from former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign that targeted President Joe Biden on inflation and illegal immigration.

Andrew Arenge, director of the Penn Program on Opinion Research and Election Studies and a member of NBC News’ Election Unit, said on X that Google removed the ad.

“This ad has been removed by Google for a ‘policy violation.’ It was live in the Google archive this morning but I just looked and it’s now been removed,” Arenge posted. “Super PAC spent over $15K targeting it at specific communities near Macon, GA after launching it on April 25th.”

After facing severe backlash, Google reportedly reversed its decision to remove the ad.

The ad allegedly shows a woman working for the Biden campaign getting rejected by a voter when trying to see if he is willing to vote again for Biden.

The voter highlights Biden’s incentives for illegals and inflation as to why he is now voting for Trump.

“Google appears to have completely reversed their decision,” Arenge later said. “The Make America Great Again, Inc. ads are no longer flagged for a policy violation in the Google ad archive.”

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