
The alternative to campus protests

Just months before the Oct. 7 attack on Israel, Muslim and Jewish students at Middlebury College in Vermont set up a dialogue. They agreed to exchange any and all views on Israeli-Palestinian issues. After the attack, their bonds were already so tight that they raised money to feed the people of Gaza by selling bread.

“The students were the model for us,” Laurie Patton, president of Middlebury, said at a recent panel organized by Interfaith America. “Are there still tensions? Absolutely. But that kind of work was possible because they had a relationship. And they had been brave together.”

True to the spirit of academic freedom, the Middlebury students engaged in civil discourse and open inquiry between equals, based on a respect for each other’s inherent dignity. Providing such tools to students, said Dr. Patton, “is our moral obligation as educators.”

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