
Gen Z Pessimism Caused by Social Media and Individualism: Expert – Intercessors for America

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Gen Z is more pessimistic than other generations, as characterized by mental illness and isolation. One expert thinks that social media and a focus on the self are to blame.

From NewsNation. Jean Twenge, author of “Generations,” said Tuesday on NewsNation’s “On Balance” that more young adults today express pessimism about their future and a lack of hope for the world compared to previous generations at the same age.

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“Gen Z is just a lot less connected to institutions, whether that’s religion or government,” Twenge said. “There’s a tremendous amount of pessimism among young adults today.” …

Twenge cited rising rates of depression and the negative impacts of social media as key factors behind Gen Z’s gloomy outlook. …

Twenge argues that greater individualism and focus on the self, which has grown out of technology, has some upsides like promoting equality.

However, she says it also has major downsides, including disconnection from others, less respect for institutions, a lack of shared social rules/norms and having nothing bigger than the self to believe in.

She states that this extreme individualism and lack of larger belief systems “is not a good formula for mental health and optimism.” …

To address the problem, Twenge recommended restricting young children and teens from social media, which she said could help them develop more in-person relationships and become “a lot less depressed and pessimistic.” …

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(Excerpt from NewsNation. Photo Credit: Anh Nguyen on Unsplash)

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