
Here’s the key to public service – and a better politics

Michael Wear worked in the Obama White House, advising on faith-based initiatives as one of the administration’s youngest staffers. He is now the founder and CEO of the Center for Christianity and Public Life. In his book “The Spirit of Our Politics: Spiritual Formation and the Renovation of Public Life,” Mr. Wear calls for a change in Christian political discourse by defining the political arena as a place of service. He argues that sectarianism is not inevitable, and challenges thinkers of all religious backgrounds to let their political interactions be guided by a spirit of gentleness. He spoke recently with the Monitor. The interview has been edited for length.

What was the inspiration for the book?  

What became clear to me writing [my last] book, and with everything that was happening in the country, was the deep formational force that politics was having on the lives of individuals, communities, and our culture. I think there’s this idea that politics is downstream of culture. I think that misses the fact that politics is a culture producer – that especially in this time and context, you can’t separate out politics from our culture. So this book gets at the root, I think, of both the dysfunction of our politics, and hopefully a way of empowering the individual responsibility and role that citizens have in improving the state of our politics.

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