
Miraculous Move of God – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Have you heard about the growing number of baptisms in California? IFA Iowa State Leader Tom McGovern shares this eyewitness report. We also want you to know that thousands gathered at the Eiffel Tower to worship Jesus. The Spirit is moving!

Every Friday night from Resurrection Sunday to Pentecost (March 31, 2024-May 18, 2024), churches in the Bay Area have hosted all-night prayer. Numerous churches came together in a spirit of unity, crying out for their cities, California, and the nation.

We attended the last Friday night service but didn’t arrive until daylight. The younger ones were going strong even though they had been praying all night!

We met in Crissie Park under the Golden Gate Bridge on Pentecost Sunday. More than 12,000 people were baptized as part of Baptize California.

Twelve Bay Area pastors (one of whom was my son) were in the water, baptizing as we prayed for those running out to the beach. I am smiling now, just thinking about the joy on their faces, knowing they are forgiven.

One pastor has been praying for his brother for years. The brother was recently released from prison, so it was significant to see Alcatraz prison in the background as his pastor brother baptized him.

An 80-year-old woman and her son were baptized.

The infamous Alcatraz Prison in the background. Prisoners set free on the beach!

A father, mother, and their three teenage children emerged from the cold Pacific water, new creatures free from their past.

Entire family baptized! Beautiful!

Baptize California this year will be followed by Baptize America next year. Will you join us in praying into what God is doing?

God is activating the Church to baptize and make disciples!

IA Leader Tom McGovern with son, Pastor Mark, and grandson Jack: “mighty men of God.”

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