Seek the Things that are Above

Discipleship is impossible without the Word of Christ since Jesus said that making disciples fundamentally involves teaching them to observe …

Whom Will You Call?

DISCLAIMER: The Aquila Report is a news and information resource. We welcome commentary from readers; for more information visit our …

A Command for Our Joy

The same heart behind hospitality—whether to strangers or close friends—is also seen in the way we care for suffering Christians …

A Man’s Work is for His People

The willingness of the men of Gad and Simeon to do their duty, and the blessing of the women being …

Enduring Trials

God is our refuge and our strength. We are also reminded that God “tests the righteous.” Yes, we may – and …

Troubles, Prayer, and Deliverance

The promise encourages us, the invitation allures us, but trouble impels us to call upon our God! Our troubles are frequently the instruments the Holy Spirit employs to …

25 Bible Passages about Truth

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, …

Christ is the Start of All Inquiry

Written by T. M. Suffield | Sunday, June 2, 2024 Think Christianly, friends. When you do, you’ll find that the world …

How Trusting God’s Timing Can Bring Unshakeable Peace

God’s certain promises. Our passage of Scripture today finalizes the progress from a critical advance warning to consolation and encouragement. …