
Hungary’s Viktor Orbán slams George Soros, ‘war speculators’ in powerful pro-family, pro-peace speech – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — With one week to go before the European Parliament holds its elections, Hungary’s hugely popular Prime Minister Viktor Orbán urged tens of thousands of “pro-peace” supporters to reject World War III and George Soros-backed candidates and instead vote for his Fidesz-KDNP alliance.

“We shall not sacrifice young Hungarians so that the war speculators can make a financial killing. We reject the war plan that has been devised for money, for the acquisition of assets in Ukraine, and for the interests of great powers,” he said.

Orbán delivered his powerful remarks from St. Margaret Island, which is located in the middle of the Danube River in the country’s capital city of Budapest. News outlet Hungary Today described the event as a show of “strength and unity in defense of Christian conservative values, against gender ideology, war rhetoric or open society.”

Several outlets have reported that Facebook temporarily banned the speech after claiming it “shared symbols associated with individuals and organizations classified as dangerous.”

Orbán spent much of his time exposing the efforts of Soros, who he mentioned six times.

“The Hungarian Left are in the pay of George Soros. He finances their media, and their electoral lists are full of his people,” he said. “We on the national side have no intention of obeying the Soros Plan’s generals in Brussels.”

Orbán, 61, has stood somewhat alone in Europe in calling for a ceasefire in the Ukraine-Russia conflict. In his speech, he noted that the Vatican as well as Slovakia Prime Minister Robert Fico, who recently survived an assassination attempt, are also in favor of a peaceful solution. But he also said that more political victories must occur before true peace can be won.

“Many people believe that evil does not exist. But evil is behind the world wars. We must not give in to it! The time for exorcism has come. Either we win or they win. There is no third way – only a third world war. Let us show Soros where the God of Hungarians lives!”

Orbán also drew connections between the conflict and the larger political chaos unfolding in Europe as a whole.

“Great wars do not come out of nowhere. Economic crisis, shortage of raw materials, arms competition, pandemics, false prophets, assassination attempts, sinister shadows all around us. This is how it starts,” he thundered.  “Just so that Brussels, too, can understand: No migration! No gender! No war!”

Orbán then noted what impact an escalation in Ukraine could have for Europe and how it might not be all that different than what it experienced a century ago.

“Supporters of the war have become intoxicated. They want to defeat Russia, as was attempted in the First and Second World Wars. They are even ready to clash with the whole of the East,” he said. “In the First World War, we lost two-thirds of our country. In the Second World War, the Hungarian army’s battle-ready forces were destroyed on foreign soil.”

“We shall not go to war,” he flatly declared. “We shall not go east for a third time; we shall not go to the Russian front again. We have been there before, and we have no business being there.”

Orbán concluded his powerful remarks on an optimistic note by hoping that the United States will deliver a victory for Donald Trump over Joe Biden later this year.

“In one week from now, we will receive reinforcements from all the countries of Europe, and we can build a pro-peace European coalition in Brussels. In the autumn the Americans can elect a pro-peace president, and with them we can bring together a pan-Western, transatlantic peace coalition.”

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