
Judge Allows Detransitioner to Sue Doctors Who Harmed Her – Intercessors for America

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A judge has allowed a detransitioner’s case against the doctors who harmed her to move forward, setting an important precedent. How will this case affect the medical industry and the lives of others who have been harmed by transgender treatments?

From LifeSiteNews. A North Carolina judge has ruled that a 25-year-old woman’s lawsuit against the doctors who “transitioned” her as a teenager can proceed, opening a door to a potentially transformative precedent for the American medical establishment.

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The Washington Examiner reports that Prisha Mosley was talked into “transitioning” at just 16 years old to deal with serious mental issues she was suffering at the time. …

On doctors’ advice, she began taking significant testosterone injections and had her breasts surgically removed. But transforming herself to resemble a boy only compounded her suffering. …

In July 2023, Mosley filed a lawsuit against the doctors who advised her for fraud, facilitating fraud, medical malpractice, civil conspiracy, negligent infliction of emotional distress and unfair and deceptive trade practices, and breach of fiduciary duty rising to the level of constructive fraud.

“I trusted these health care providers to take care of me. Because of that relationship of trust, and my vulnerable condition, I believed what they said and I thought they were treating me properly,” she wrote. “Years later, I realized that I had been lied to and misled in the worst possible way. Years of taking testosterone prevented my body from developing as it should have” and caused serious damage to her reproductive organs, she added.

Now, North Carolina Superior Court Judge Robert Ervin has ruled that “as a matter of law that the allegations of plaintiff’s complaint, treated as true, are sufficient to state a claim upon which relief may be granted,” allowing the case to proceed in what is thought to be the first ruling of its kind.

“This is the first substantive ruling we are aware of in which a court has held that a detransitioner’s case against her health care professionals is legally viable,” declared Josh Payne, Mosley’s attorney. …

If successful, the lawsuit could help accelerate a trend in the United States away from so-called “gender-affirming” interventions, which several European nations have recently begun to disavow for minors in the face of overwhelming evidence of the long-term medical dangers.

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(Excerpt from LifeSiteNews. Photo Credit: Erick Zajac on Unsplash)

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