Is Chi Rho Really a Christian Symbol?

What is Chi Ro? It is a Christian symbol that dates to at least the Roman empire. How is this …

Life is a Writing Process

A couple of months ago, I was invited to speak to a group of students on “Career Day” about my …

In Bed with a Mosquito

I have been thinking about all the destruction going on in the world– Iraq, Iran, Palestine, Israel, Ukraine and Russia, …

Harmony and Dissonance

All my life I have enjoyed different types of music. I have found that music tends to move me on …

5 Years of Overtures

Got something to say to synod? A lot of people (or councils or classes) have had a lot to share …

Turning Over a New Leaf

The more I delved into the world of houseplants, the more I began to see life-changing spiritual metaphors all around …

Should I Tell My Friend His Healing Wasn’t Miraculous?

A friend with a serious illness recovered quickly. He believes that God miraculously healed him. Medical websites say some people …