
European Farmers Protest Ahead of Upcoming Elections – American Faith

Spanish and French farmers have blocked roads along their mutual border through the Pyrenees mountains this week in protest of environmental policies just ahead of the upcoming EU elections.

“With EU elections looming on June 6-9, French and Spanish farmers used dozens of tractors to block both sides of the border on the AP-8 highway in the Basque Country and the AP-7 highway in Catalonia,” Reuters reported.

“‘Since we have European elections, let’s see if our politicians take the sector seriously and listen to our demands’, Spanish farmer Josep Juscafrase, 54, told Reuters,” the outlet continued.

According to the Associated Press, the EU “lost its farming base” after implementing a series of environmental policies and “even had satellite surveillance to check on it.”

At the beginning of 2024, German farmers blocked highways throughout the country in protest of the government’s plan to cut agricultural subsidies.

The protest was to fight back against the United Nations’ 2030 agenda.

“The German farmers have successfully blocked dozens of highways with the help of the German truckers,” commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek shared on X at the time. “This is my view up on a tractor on the A2 – Europe’s busiest highway. I’m blown away. History in the making.”

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