
Alberta town starts petition to remove rainbow crosswalks, ‘Pride’ flags from municipal property – LifeSite

BARRHEAD, Alberta (LifeSiteNews) — An Alberta town is pushing back against the LGBT agenda by petitioning to remove LGBT rainbow flags and crosswalks.

This month, residents of Barrhead, Alberta, launched a petition to remove all LGBT rainbow crosswalks and “Pride” flags from municipal property, similar to a motion passed in the nearby town of Westlock earlier this year.

“Our goal is to create a neutrality bylaw that keeps public spaces public and neutral,” organizer Ard Doornbos told The Epoch Times in an interview. “Crosswalks should remain crosswalks simply as they are described by the Alberta traffic guide guidelines.”

The petition requests that the local government not favor either side but remain neutral by only flying flags that relate to federal, provincial, or municipal governments.

The town began painting rainbow crosswalks a couple years ago, but Doornbos revealed, “There’s lots of indication that rubbed people the wrong way and created divisiveness. That’s unnecessary.”

According to Doornbos, the petition must be signed by 10 percent of the town’s population, or about 460 residents, in order to be presented to the town council. The group will be collecting signatures throughout June.

“We just were convicted this is the right thing to do, for the benefit of the town and even of the council members themselves,” Doornbos said.

“We got some emails from residents, people that are in favor of it, people that are concerned with our approach, people that do not like it at all,” he revealed. “So, it’s a bit of a mixed response so far.”

The initiative is being celebrated by many Albertans, who took to social media to voice support for the small town.

“Residents of Barrhead, Alberta, are following the lead of their neighbours in nearby Westlock by launching a petition to eliminate rainbow crosswalks and Pride flags from municipal property,” People’s Party of Canada (PPC) candidate Paul Mitchell wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

“Cue the rabid outrage from the cry-bully, woke-mafia,” he added.

“At this point in history, what is the point of these crosswalks other than to create more division and enmity?” another questioned.

Barrhead is not alone in its resistance to the LGBT mob. In February, Westlock, a nearby small town of about 4,800 people, voted in favor of a bylaw to prohibit flying non-governmental flags from municipal flagpoles and painting crosswalks with any pattern other than the usual white stripes.

Similarly, Emo, a small town in Ontario, has refused to bend to the demands of LGBT activists and will now have to appear in front of a Human Rights Tribunal for rejecting a 2020 motion to proclaim June as “Pride” month and fly the LGBT “Pride

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