
Comedian Russell Brand Endorses Trump – American Faith

Actor and comedian Russell Brand endorsed former President Donald Trump in the upcoming election.

“In a straight choice between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, if you care about democracy, if you care about freedom, I don’t know how you could do anything other than vote for Donald Trump for precisely the reasons that they claim that you can’t,” Brand said on his latest podcast episode.

The actor said that he is becoming skeptical of the way Democrats attack Trump and market their campaigns.

“They act as if a vote for Donald Trump is almost like you’re directly voting for Armageddon, like you see hysterical performances outside of courtrooms, endless MSNBC bombast,” Brand continued.

“But I’m starting to think that no, a greater threat to democracy is this kind of technological feudalism, that tells you that it cares about you and that it’s protecting vulnerable people, all the while increasing censorship, increasing the funding of wars, increasing the division between ordinary Americans.”

Brand also criticized the legal system and the ways Trump was being “weaponized” by the left.

“I’ve been concerned about the snobbery and the contempt and condemnation in which people that support Donald Trump are plainly held by his detractors,” Brand said.

“And this is while you have an administration that’s emulating his policies, plagiarizing from Donald Trump, while simultaneously criminalizing him from the weaponization of the legal system.”

In April of this year, Brand announced that he was going to be baptized after months of wrestling with the Christian faith.

“This Sunday, I’m taking the plunge,” Brand said at the time. “I’m getting baptized.”

Brand claimed he had heard baptism explained to him as “an opportunity to die and be reborn; an opportunity to leave the past behind and be reborn in Christ’s name like it says in Galatians — that you can live as an enlightened and awakened person.”

“I know a lot of people are sort of cynical about the increasing interest in Christianity and the return to God, but to me, it’s obvious,” he said. “As meaning deteriorates in the modern world, as our value systems and institutions crumble, all of us become increasingly aware that there is this eerily familiar awakening and beckoning figure that we’ve all known all of our lives, within us and around us. And for me, it’s very exciting.”

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