Comedian Russell Brand Endorses Trump – American Faith

Actor and comedian Russell Brand endorsed former President Donald Trump in the upcoming election. “In a straight choice between Donald …

Come To The Shadow of His Wings – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 4 minutes The following is an excerpt from our daily devotional Fellowship With the Father, written by IFA contributing …

What Brings True Happiness?

The Bible teaches that our current attempts to find happiness are like a bride taking her wedding ring, falling in …

Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up

Young adults today have less friendships, genuine social interaction, abilities to make a decision, and live in constant fear—fear of …

Flee Idolatry

We are prone to wander, prone to leave the God we love. One theologian put it that our hearts are …

Why Teachers are Fleeing Public Schools

Public schools have betrayed public trust by compromising academic and ethical standards to increase graduation rates, all while concealing from …

Hope for Fallen Christians

When your sins and those of the fallen world wear you down, turn your eyes to Jesus. He is your …