
Tennessee School Shooter Used Pell Grant to Purchase Firearms – American Faith

According to recent reports, the transgender involved in a mass shooting at a private Christian school in Tennessee last year, bought guns using a federal Pell Grant.

Audrey Hale, who killed six people during the shooting, allegedly purchased seven guns using the education grant money and also paid for training at a local gun range.

“Federal Pell Grants usually are awarded only to undergraduate students who display exceptional financial need and have not earned a bachelor’s, graduate, or professional degree,” the U.S. Department of Education website states.

A Federal Pell Grant reportedly “does not have to be repaid” except under certain circumstances.

“Hale began to use his own income to fill out his FAFSA forms when he turned 25, according to an interview his parents gave to police,” Newsmax reported.

Hale, a biological female, entered into Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee in March 2023 through a side door and was armed with two rifles and a handgun.

Two of the deceased children were nine years old, one was eight.

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