
God’s Glorious Plan to Use Us All

We are striving to be holy as He is holy. But, no one will be perfectly sanctified until glorification. If someone had to be perfect before they were to go and evangelize then Jesus would not have given the great commission to the disciples in the first place. See, God is glorified in using weak people. Why? Because He receives the glory. The people of the world do not need you to be perfect. They need you to tell them of the perfect Jesus. The one who was tempted in every way as we are, yet without sin. 

You Don’t Need to Be Perfect for God to Use You

Have you ever felt inadequate when sharing your faith? 

I was talking with a man a few years ago over coffee. The shop wasn’t very busy. The air was filled with the aroma of freshly roasted beans. As we sat talking about the Scriptures and evangelism he started to look concerned. The brother very sincerely and humbly told me, “Bryan, I don’t have all the Bible knowledge you have. I can’t answer all of their questions. And, my life certainly isn’t perfect.” I could sense his fear, anxiety, and hesitation. 

This man wanted to be perfect and have all of the perfect answers before sharing the gospel. But, that’s not how God likes to work. 

God Uses Imperfect People

God has an amazing track record of using imperfect people to spread His glory.. Actually, I think it is one of the ways God shows himself glorious.

God established His covenant with Abraham. The same Abraham given over to half truths. 

God made sure the covenant blessing went with scheming Jacob.

God used murderous Moses to lead His people.

God raised up David, the adulterer, to inherit the messianic promise.

God called disobedient Jonah to preach repentance to Nineveh. 

God sent Paul, the one who had tried to destroy the church, to be the apostle to the gentiles. 

It’s the Message Not the Messenger

By the Spirit the Apostle Paul knew this. There were various groups of preachers who were going around trying to one up him. Paul could have been offended or competitive.

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