
Judge Throws Out Florida Law Banning ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ for Children – American Faith

A federal judge struck down a Florida law that banned transgender surgeries and other “gender-affirming” treatments for children.

According to Senior Judge Robert Hinkle, the state “went too far when it barred transgender minors from being prescribed puberty blockers and hormonal treatments with their parents’ permission,” Associated Press reported.

The judge wrote that transgender individuals are entitled to medical treatments.

He wrote in his 105-page opinion that “[s]ome transgender opponents invoke religion to support their position, just as some once invoked religion to support their racism or misogyny.”

“Transgender opponents are of course free to hold their beliefs. But they are not free to discriminate against transgender individuals just for being transgender. In time, discrimination against transgender individuals will diminish, just as racism and misogyny have diminished.”

“To paraphrase a civil-rights advocate from an earlier time, the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice,” Hinkle added, referring to a statement made by Martin Luther King Jr.

Governor Ron DeSantis’ (R) office condemned the ruling.

“Through their elected representatives, the people of Florida acted to protect children in this state, and the Court was wrong to override their wishes,” the statement said. “As we’ve seen here in Florida, the United Kingdom, and across Europe, there is no quality evidence to support the chemical and physical mutilation of children. These procedures do permanent, life-altering damage to children, and history will look back on this fad in horror.”

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