
Rishi Sunak vows tax cuts as UK Conservatives fight to close polling gap

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on June 11 implored British voters, and his own party, to throw him a lifeline in the U.K.’s July 4 election, putting the promise of lower taxes at the heart of the Conservative Party’s election manifesto.

Mr. Sunak acknowledged that “people are frustrated with our party and frustrated with me,” but argued that the Conservatives are “the only party with the big ideas to make this country a better place to live.”

With the Conservatives trailing the left-of-center Labour Party in opinion polls, opponents said Mr. Sunak was making unrealistic and unaffordable promises in a desperate bid to stave off defeat. The launch of the Tories’ manifesto, its main package of pledges, came a day after Mr. Sunak was forced to deny rumors he could quit even before polling day as the Conservatives are alarmed over his lackluster campaign.

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