
Toronto-area parents to protest Catholic school board vote on flying ‘Pride’ flag – LifeSite

The following is a call-to-action written by Parents As First Educators regarding the vote on allowing the flying of the LGBT ‘Pride’ flag taking place at the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board on the evening of Tuesday, June 11.

(LifeSiteNews) — Calling all voters in the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board (DPCDSB)! We have an emergency on our hands and we need your help!

Recall a couple of weeks ago on May 15 when we told you the school board had done the right thing and created a flag policy that bans flying any non- governmental or non-church flags outside its buildings? This meant that the Pride flag could not fly outside buildings in DPCDSB. Read that email by clicking here.

Well, a trustee named Brea Corbet sneakily tried to overturn this decision at the last policy meeting on June 4 by illegally introducing a motion to allow the Pride flag. Although the flag protocol was nowhere to be found on the agenda, she acted as though it were and introduced a motion to fly the flag. Are you going to put up with this ILLEGAL abuse of parliamentary procedure?

You can watch the meeting here, beginning at 2: 26: 10:

Please WRITE to all trustees and inform them that you won’t stand for them running meetings in such an unprofessional way! Tell them that they had no business voting on an item not on the agenda. We need to shower them with letters!

Insist that they strike all the discussion about and the vote on raising the flag from the meeting minutes since they took place illegally.

The policy banning the Pride flag should stay as it was on May 15.

We know it’s a busy time of year, but we have to ask another big favor: can you ATTEND the special meeting the board called to ram this policy through? Mark your calendar for June 11 at 6 pm. I will be there to personally call the trustees out on their shameful behaviour. Please COME!

We require massive numbers to be there to show the board the public has eyes on what they’re doing and does not approve.


1) Write to the trustees and cc the Director of Education and tell them they properly approved a policy to solve the problem of public disapproval of Catholic schools flying the Pride flag and that they are failing their duty to protect Catholic education by trying to reneg on this! Tell them to leave the policy they set on May 15 alone.

Contact for trustees

Darryl Brian D’Souza
Brampton Wards: 2, 5 & 6
[email protected]

Brea Corbet
Mississauga Wards 9 & 10
[email protected]

Herman Viloria
Mississauga Wards 2 & 8
[email protected]

Anisha Thomas
Brampton Wards 1, 3 & 4
[email protected]

Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi
[email protected]

Luz del Rosario
Mississauga Ward 6 & 11
[email protected]

Shawn Xaviour
Brampton Wards 7-10
[email protected]

Bruno Iannicca
Mississauga Ward 7
[email protected]

Stefano Pascucci
Mississauga Ward 4
[email protected]

Thomas Thomas
Mississauga Ward 5
[email protected]

Contact for Director of Education

Marianne Mazzorato
[email protected]

2) Attend the special board meeting of the DPCDSB at 6 pm on June 11. Simply being there will speak volumes. This is an all-hands on deck situation and we are relying on you! Please arrive at 5:30 pm to get a seat.

Dufferin Peel Catholic Education Centre
40 Matheson Boulevard West, Mississauga
6 pm

Best regards,

Teresa Pierre, Ph. D., President
Parents as First Educators

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