
Censorship and control: The financial forces behind Western information wars – LifeSite

Tell Congress to stop the Biden administration from funding wars in Ukraine and Israel

(LifeSiteNews) —The censorship of dissenting views in Western societies over the last four years has raised questions about why governments, instead of serving the public, have attacked citizens not willing to comply with the official “narrative.”

One way to shed light on the reasons why is to follow the money: examine the financial incentives rather than what the state’s motives are. The latter often remains opaque. Those with malign or sinister intentions are rarely honest about what they are doing; often they even lie to themselves.

Big Pharma’s profiteering from manipulating health agencies and the media has been well documented, but a far bigger revenue stream is U.S. military spending, which is stratospheric. It is estimated that the annual outlays come to about $1.5 trillion (USD), double the reported figure. It is twice what the U.S. Congress spends annually on all non-military purposes combined.

Over the last decade there has been a change in U.S. military doctrine, which has affected how those massive funds are directed. It is called Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW). The theory is that instead of fighting kinetic wars, the focus should be on information and perception, as refracted through legacy media, social media, and other channels of influence.

Modern conflicts, according to this view, are won by controlling information. General Michael Flynn, for example, authored Introduction to 5GW (the Citizens’ Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare), “to prepare Americans and freedom loving people everywhere for our current global wartime reality that few understand.” The assumption is that warfare has changed and moved into a more intangible arena.

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Former State Department diplomat Mike Benz, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, has explained in detail how this new type of military thinking was turned on the citizenry. Benz pointed out that the internet from its inception was an instrument of statecraft. “Google began as a DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) grant… they got their funding as part of a joint CIA/NSA program to chart how ‘birds of a feather flock together online’ through search engine aggregation. And then one year later they launched Google and then became a military contractor.”

At first, according to Benz, free speech was championed by the military as a way to support dissident groups around the world in order to “overthrow governments that were causing a problem to the Clinton administration or the Bush administration or the Obama administration.”

It was thought to be a cheap way of conducting war. “You don’t need to win military skirmishes to take over central and eastern Europe. All you need to do is control the media and the social media ecosystem because that’s what controls elections.”

The counter-coup in the eastern regions of Ukraine in 2014, and in 2016 Brexit and the election of Donald Trump as U.S. president, altered the military’s view, according to Benz. NATO came to believe that “the entire rules-based international order would collapse unless the military took control over media. From their perspective, if the military did not begin to censor the internet, all of the democratic institutions and infrastructure that gave rise to the modern world after World War II would collapse.”

The COVID-19 response, including lockdowns, censorship, and mandated vaccines, was also a military funded program focused on controlling public information and perception. That is why from a health perspective it made very little sense. It was effectively a biowarfare response run in conjunction with Big Pharma.

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As the Australian senator Malcolm Roberts explained in a telling speech, Australia, the U.K., Canada, and the U.S. had signed the Medical Countermeasures Consortium (in Australia’s case in 2012). Roberts described it as “a military-pharmaceutical apparatus,” the main focus of which was to suppress any dissenting views using sophisticated techniques of influence.

The big pools of money used to execute the mandated inoculations also came from the military. Operation Warp Speed – the U.S. vaccine program – was funded, distributed, and owned by the Pentagon. Department of Defense subcontractors made what was in the vials.

The upshot is that Western governments have in effect turned the militaries on their own people, a kind of clandestine military coup. Benz describes it as military rule. “What they essentially said is we need to redefine democracy from being about the will of the voters to being about the sanctity of democratic institutions.” That is, in order to protect democracy it is necessary to stop democracy.

The military’s weaponization of information may be coming to an end, or at least may no longer be the main focus. The brutal, attritional battle in Ukraine has demonstrated that the theory of Fifth Generation Warfare is a blind alley. Warfare has not changed at all.

What is happening in Ukraine is something of a combination of the horrors of World War I and Star Wars: precision guided missiles operated from space. That makes it more like a technologically updated version of Second Generation Warfare.

As in previous industrial-era wars whoever has the best manufacturing capacity wins. Russia can outproduce NATO by about three times in weaponry and material, despite spending less than 5 percent of America’s military budget. Russia also has a lead in missile technology and has some air defences where America has none.

As militaries in the West are forced to acknowledge they have fallen behind the emphasis on manipulating information through propaganda and censorship seems certain to fade away. The only thing Russia has lost in the Ukraine conflict is the propaganda war, but it means nothing because information control is only a sideshow in a serious conflict

Facing up to that emerging military reality will be slow. One of the ironies of Fifth Generation Warfare is that you start to believe your own lies. Nevertheless, concern will eventually turn to catching up with Russia in kinetic military technology, a process that will take decades and be expensive.

From the perspective of civilians in Western countries it hopefully means that the heavy funding of propaganda and censorship will start to slow. Controlling information is labour intensive and costly. The money needed to hire professional liars and invest in the technology used to impose the “narrative” on the public is substantial. If funding starts to dry up it may mean citizens become less subject to targeting by the militaries that they fund.

Focus will inevitably shift to America’s failure to maintain an advantage in modern warfare, which, it is now clear, is heavily dependent on the use of various types of projectiles: missiles, drones, bombs. Remaining invisible from space is also a priority, which means the techniques of manoeuvre used in Third Generation Warfare do not work.

Militaries need an enemy, especially in the U.S. where it is key to maintaining the financial excesses. Hopefully in future that enemy will stop being people in their own countries.

Tell Congress to stop the Biden administration from funding wars in Ukraine and Israel

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