
Doctor admits Trudeau’s contraception plan will keep women working, cost less than if they become mothers – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — A top government doctor has admitted to Parliament that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s “free” contraception plan will keep women in the workforce instead of having children, which she said data show would be of benefit to the economy.

During a May 30 Finance Committee meeting, Dr. Wendy Norman, a professor at the University of British Columbia and head of Canada’s Contraception & Abortion Research Team, admitted that Trudeau’s proposed free contraception plan will aid in keeping women in the workforce and will ultimately cost the government less than if those same women became mothers instead.   

“It sounds like there’s an overwhelming economic case for universal access to contraception,” New Democratic Party (NDP) Member of Parliament (MP) Don Davies stated in response to Norman.  

“You briefly touched on the macroeconomic impacts of facilitating the entry and participation of women in the workplace,” he continued. “Is there data or established research that can quantify the value of women’s participation in the economy as a result of having reproductive control?” 

“It’s a great question,” Norman responded. 

“By way of an overarching answer, I would look at the declaration by the American Public Health Association on the top 100 public health interventions over the past century, from when we came to the year 2000,” she continued. “This is basically from 1900 to 2000.”  

“The number one public health intervention across the country – and this was during the time we developed penicillin, vaccines and all of these things – was the introduction of family planning to support the success and engagement of pregnancy-capable people [sic] throughout our society,” Norman concluded.   

Norman’s admission that contraception helps women stay in the workforce and therefore away from their families was roundly by Canadian pro-life groups.   

“It turns out that free contraception is PM Trudeau’s plan to pull women away from being the heart of the home and turn them into a cog in the economic wheel,” Campaign Life Coalition’s (CLC) Pete Baklinski wrote on X.

“Free contraception is about converting women into workers,” he warned. “And, in true Orwellian style, the government is calling this ‘reproductive choice,’ ‘freedom for when to begin a family,’ and ‘autonomy.’”

“The fact is that women who have children and stay at home to raise them are doing more for the good of society than anyone else,” Baklinski declared. “Mothers who raise children in the safety and protection of hearth and home are the real heroes of today.”  

Earlier in meeting, Davies questioned Norman on her 2023 statement that “It was costing the government more to pay for the management of unintended pregnancies than it would cost to be able to provide free contraception for everybody in the province.” 

Norman responded that, “We spent two years looking at alternative models, including fill-in-the-gap models and supplementing in different areas, and every time we moved away from universal first-dollar coverage, the rate of unintended pregnancies went up and the government’s costs went up.”  

Indeed, pregnancies of working mothers costs the Trudeau government as the federal government is responsible for a portion of maternity and paternity leave for working parents who need to take time off from work to care for their new baby.   

Norman’s statement comes after the Liberals introduced their free contraception plan in March as part of the Trudeau government’s new healthcare plan.    

Under the new plan, Canadian taxpayers must fund various types of contraceptives including up to $300 per year for oral birth control pills; up to $500 per hormonal intrauterine device (IUD); up to $100 copper IUD; up to $300 per hormonal implant, which includes up to $300 per unit, up to $300 per hormonal vaginal ring, up to $150 per year for contraceptive injections, and about $30 per dose of emergency contraceptives such as “Plan B,” a drug designed to kill a newly conceived baby.    

Since being announced, the plan has been roundly condemned by pro-life groups, including CLC.   

In April, CLC blasted Trudeau as “wrongheaded” and anti-family in making all Canadians “pay” for “abortifacient pills” after he boasted on social media about his new governmental bill that will provide free contraceptives, including the morning-after pill, to all Canadians. 

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