
Fr. Fidelis released from DC jail after serving 3-month sentence for pro-life Red Rose Rescue – LifeSite

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) – Franciscan priest and pro-life activist Fr. Fidelis Moscinski, CFR, was released this week from prison in Washington, D.C., where he was serving jail time for a Red Rose Rescue.

On Monday, June 10, the Brooklyn friar stepped out from behind bars after a three-month sentence for “violating” a probation order by taking part in a pro-life D.C. Red Rose Rescue a few years ago. In a Red Rose Rescue, pro-lifers go into an abortion clinic and give expectant mothers and staff red roses to let them know they are loved and that the gift of life is precious.

Announcing Fr. Fidelis’ release from jail, Monica Migliorino Miller, director of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, wrote:

“In what sense did he ‘violate’ the probation — after being sentenced with probation in the D.C. rescue, he bravely defended unborn children in 2 other rescues — April 23, 2022, in Michigan — and July 2022 at a Planned Parenthood in New York. God bless you father fidelis!”

In comments to LifeSiteNews, Miller, who has taken part in several Red Rose Rescues along with Fr. Fidelis, said of his witness behind bars:

What can one say, but that Fr. Fidelis witness to the unborn is extraordinary. He willingly continued to rescue the unborn with his “one man” rescue at the Planned Parenthood in New York, and the Red Rose Rescue he did with us in April 2022 here in Michigan, knowing that he may be incarcerated for “violating” his sentence of probation for his Red Rose Rescue in D.C.  Yes, probation was revoked and he served months in jail instead. His commitment to the cause of life should inspire others to defend those innocent ones being led to the slaughter.

Fr. Fidelis, who has been arrested many times and previously served jail time for his public witness to the sanctity of life, also shared his thoughts about pro-life activism and his time behind bars.

In an interview with LifeSiteNews after his release, Fr. Fidelis said he was “grateful” for the ability to minister to his fellow inmates while in prison and that “It was a great privilege as a priest to try to bring the light and hope of Jesus Christ into these places.”

He also denounced the “criminal and unjust” actions of the government’s persecution of pro-lifers who work to save innocent life, calling for greater prayer and penance for the “conversion and healing” of those who advocate for or have had abortions.

The full interview follows below.

LSN: Do you have any comment about the DOJ’s persecution of pro-lifers as evident in the charges brought against you and others who are doing what you can to try to save the lives of the unborn?

Fr. Fidelis Moscinski: When the State seeks to prosecute, punish, and imprison those who are defending the lives of unborn children and their mothers from the brutal violence of abortion, it is clearly acting in a criminal and unjust manner. These prosecutions are an abuse of judicial authority and a grave sin in the eyes of God.

LSN: Were you able to conduct any prison ministry while you were behind bars? How were you treated by the guards and other inmates?

Fidelis: I am grateful for all the times I was able to pray with my fellow inmates, especially the Holy Rosary, lead Bible studies, and on occasion hear confessions. Many jails and prisons are places of darkness, loneliness, and violence. It was a great privilege as a priest to try to bring the light and hope of Jesus Christ into these places.

LSN: You were behind bars for the Gospel of life during Lent and Easter: Do you have any thoughts on the spiritual merit of suffering in prison for the unborn?

Fidelis: Any suffering, but especially incarceration, can be a powerful opportunity for us to fulfill these words of St. Paul: “I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercy of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing unto God, your reasonable service.”

LSN: Any words to fellow pro-life activists?

Fidelis: Our Lord is calling us to more serious penance and reparation. In union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, let us pray in reparation for the sin of abortion and for the conversion and healing of anyone who has committed or been affected by abortion.


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