
Biden to Commit to Decade-Long Support for Ukraine at G7 Meeting – American Faith

At the G7 meeting in Italy on Thursday, the US and Ukraine are anticipated to sign a bilateral security agreement that will specify the US’ long-term security commitment with Ukraine while its conflict with Russia persists.

The agreement is anticipated to be a “executive agreement,” which is less formal than a treaty and nonbinding for subsequent presidents, according to people familiar with the situation who spoke with CNN. The US will continue to train Ukraine’s troops, work with them to produce weapons and equipment, increase intelligence sharing, and continue to offer military aid as part of the pact, which is anticipated to endure for ten years.

According to two of the individuals, there is no particular financial commitment for Ukraine’s defenses in the anticipated deal. According to one of the individuals, the Biden administration’s approach to collaborating with Congress on security commitment spending will be covered in an annex of the agreement.

According to reports, the agreement between the US and Ukraine will resemble past bilateral accords that Ukraine has signed with 14 other nations, including the UK, Germany, and France. It is reported that seventeen other nations have agreed to negotiate comparable agreements.

According to those familiar with the accord, the agreement will allegedly include a pledge from the US to consult with Ukraine in the event of a future strike by Russia in order to decide on the best course of action. Unlike the accords other allies have signed with Ukraine, this one will not have a mutual defense clause. If there had been another attack, the US would have been obligated to defend Ukraine militarily under that article.

John Kirby, a spokesman for the National Security Council, stated on Tuesday that the US will “continue to be right up front and clear at the G7 meeting.” He stated that the United States “will take bold steps to show Mr. Putin that time is not on his side and that he cannot outlast us, as we support Ukraine’s fight for freedom.”

Kirby stated that during the meeting, Biden and Volodymyr Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, will meet and that the US will make an announcement about the unfreezing of Russian assets for Ukraine’s post-conflict reconstruction work.

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