
BREAKING: Veteran pro-lifer Linda Gibbons arrested for third time in three weeks outside Toronto abortion mill – LifeSite

TORONTO (LifeSiteNews) — Canadian veteran pro-lifer Linda Gibbons has been arrested and jailed for a third time in three weeks, again for witnessing to the unborn in front of the notorious Morgentaler abortion facility in Toronto.

LifeSiteNews confirmed from Gibbons’ close friend John Bulsza today that she was arrested on Wednesday outside the Morgentaler abortion mill around 10:40 a.m. local time, after silently witnessing for about three hours.

Bulsza said Gibbons was taken to “Toronto’s precinct 23” police station, where she was “told she could leave if she promised not to go back to the Morgentaler mill.” Gibbons refused to “agree to the terms” offered to her, so she was sent to the Vanier Centre for Women prison, where she currently remains.

It is not known how long she will reside in jail at the Vanier centre.

The facility at which Gibbons was giving witness to the unborn is one of many started by or named after Canada’s most notorious abortionist, Henry Morgentaler.

Gibbons was last released from jail last Friday after having spent a night in jail at precinct 53. Bulsza told LifeSiteNews that the court date for her second arrest has been “scheduled for some time the latter part of this month.”

Bulsza noted that Gibbons said about her court date that she will “not go, only by a forced arrest by warrant by the police.”

Last Thursday, Gibbons was arrested just two weeks after she was taken into custody at the same facility for defending the unborn.

Gibbons’ first arrest occurred the morning of May 23 by Toronto police after she witnessed for three hours outside the Morgentaler abortion mill.

She was released from jail on Monday, May 27, after appearing at a bail hearing via video conference.

Just four days after her release, Gibbons returned to the abortion mill to continue her pro-life ministry. She spent time witnessing outside the same abortion mill without being arrested.

In total, she spent two days in silent witness and prayer, holding up a sign reading, “Why Mom? When I have so much love to give.”

Ontario’s “Safe Access to Abortion Services Act” was put into effect on February 1, 2018, and was passed the previous year by then-Premier Kathleen Wynne’s Liberal government. The law bans any pro-life activity, including praying, sidewalk counseling, and showing “disapproval” of abortion, within 50 meters of Ontario’s eight abortion facilities.

While the law was implemented by Liberals, the long-reigning Progressive Conservative government of Doug Ford has never challenged the law.

Gibbons was last arrested in September 2015 after conducting a similar silent protest in front of the Morgentaler abortion center.

After Gibbons spent 141 days in jail, an Ontario judge in 2016 convicted her of breaking a 1999 civil injunction that bans pro-life activities within 500 feet of Toronto’s Morgentaler abortion facility. This injunction was later superseded by Ontario’s “Safe Access to Abortion Services Act.” Gibbons was released from jail after her conviction.

In total, Gibbons’ pro-life advocacy has resulted in her spending almost 11 years in jail for her peaceful witness in honor of mothers and unborn children.

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