
Campaign Life Coalition blasts ‘shameless’ Liberal Party ‘hit piece’ against pro-life MPs – LifeSite

OTTAWA (LifeSiteNews) – Campaign Life Coalition (CLC), Canada’s top pro-life group, blasted what it called a “shameless” social media “hit piece” done by the Liberal Party’s official X account against 40 pro-life Conservative MPs, saying the post shows the party’s true “cruel attitude” toward the unborn.

On June 4, the Liberal Party’s official X account posted a video calling out pro-life Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) MP Arnold Viersen “on his social Conservative priorities.”

“It’s not a lonely fight,” the post noted, adding, “This is Pierre Poilievre’s Conservative Party.”

The Liberals’ post showed a slide show of 40 CPC MPs who have been rated by CLC as pro-life and cited CLC as the source for the information.

On June 10, CLC’s official X account posted in reply to the Liberal Party’s June 4 post a slide show of its own, which said, “Justin Trudeau is the most radically pro-abortion prime minister in history. He requires all his MPs to support his extreme abortion stance.”

“This is Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party.”

Trudeau, the Liberal Party leader and Canadian prime minister, barred his MPs from having pro-life views. Before Trudeau, Liberal MPs were allowed to be pro-life, and while there were few of them who were, there was still a substantial amount before they were forced out.

The Liberal Party’s video was prompted after Viersen made headlines for saying on a May 31 episode of Liberal MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith’s podcast that he would support legislation to protect the unborn from abortion and that he opposes same-sex “marriage.”

This immediately prompted a response from Poilievre, who supports abortion but has not barred pro-life MPs from being in the party, that he would never allow any pro-life or family laws to see the light of day under any potential future government.

Shameless ‘hit piece’ by ‘party of death’

CLC director of political operations Jack Fonseca told LifeSiteNews that as an organization it felt that the “Liberals’ shameless hit piece against the 40 pro-life MPs deserved a response.”

“Those pro-life MPs have more integrity in one fingernail that any of the pro-child murder Liberals have in their entire body. Every pro-life Conservative you see in that video is a defender of human rights and is a principled person,” Fonseca said.

“So, we created a copy-cat video to call out those members of the ‘party of death,’ which no serious person can deny is the Liberal Party of Canada.”

Fonseca, whom many times before has called out both Trudeau and Poilievre for their identical take on abortion, that the reality is supporting “child murder in the womb is not something to be proud of.”

“Yet these cold-blooded Liberals are proud. To me, it’s beggars’ belief how can they be proud, when their anti-values are so deeply shameful?” he observed.

“Their cruel attitudes towards the vulnerable baby in the womb is reprehensible. Their fanaticism about abortion is one more reason the Liberals are corrupt and not at all fit for office. Every one of them must be booted from office in 2025.”

For years, Trudeau has professed his support for abortion despite being a baptized Catholic. Since taking office in 2015, his Liberal government has put forward many pro-abortion policies such as stripping pregnancy resource centers of their charitable status because they promote life instead of abortion.

Many of this top government ministers have been advocates for more abortion access in Canada. As reported by LifeSiteNews last week, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Jonathan Wilkinson took the time to make a bizarre pro-abortion video for social media in which he characterized pro-life MPs as “disturbing.”

Poilievre has a poor track record when it comes to issues of life and family, with CLC having given him a “red light” rating.

Poilievre’s wife, Anaida, also supports abortion. She made headlines last December for championing the couple’s pro-abortion views.

According to CLC, abortion has killed over four million preborn babies in Canada since its legalization in 1969, which is roughly equivalent to the total population of the province of Alberta.

CLC has launched a petition to show support for Viersen.

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