
Leading Journal Changes Name for ‘Decolonization’: Scholars – American Faith

Cambridge University Press changed the name of its journal as part of a “decolonization” trend, scholars claim.

The journal, previously called Anglo-Saxon England, will now be titled Early Medieval England and its Neighbors.

In an email statement to The College Fix, Cambridge University Press said the name change “reflects the breadth of that scholarly work, and is one part of a broader relaunch of the journal, which is now Open Access, will have more regular publications, and take on an expanded scope.”

The publisher emphasized that the use of the term “Anglo-Sazon” will not be banned from research articles.

Wanjiru Njoya of Mises Institute believes the title change is part of a “wider ‘decolonize the curriculum’ movement.”

“All universities in the UK and across the West are decolonizing the curriculum,” Njoya said. “This movement began in America some years ago and spread out from there. As you may know, it’s not just medieval history or the classics affected, but all fields of study, including the natural sciences.”

According to The Telegraph, the university’s changes, including in its Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic (ASNC) department, aim to promote anti-racism.

Njoya highlighted these changes in a May X post, writing, “Now Cambridge has changed the name of their journal from ‘Anglo-Saxon’ to ‘Early Medieval.’”

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