
New GOP bill would ban gov’t DEI hires, prevent funding to diversity initiatives – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Republican U.S. representatives on Wednesday introduced a bill to ban all so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) hires and promotions in the federal government as well as required assent to the DEI principle of “oppressed” and “privileged” classes.

The Washington Free Beacon referred to the Dismantle DEI Act, introduced by Republican U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio and Republican U.S. Rep. Michael Cloud of Texas, as “the most comprehensive legislative effort yet” to eliminate DEI initiatives from the federal government. The bill would also nix federal grant funding to diversity initiatives and bar accreditation agencies “from requiring DEI in schools,” the Beacon reported.

“The DEI agenda is a destructive ideology that breeds hatred and racial division,” Vance told the Washington Free Beacon. “It has no place in our federal government or anywhere else in our society.”

Diversity training has “exploded” in the federal government since President Joe Biden took office in 2020, the Beacon noted, with all federal agencies now mandating a form of DEI training. 

A prime example of the absurd and counterproductive lengths to which DEI trainings can go is a training video leaked from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) that instructs employees that using the term “person who is pregnant” is “inclusive and preferred to ‘pregnant women.’”

Both these trainings and the DEI offices that conduct them would be wiped out by the Dismantle DEI Act. It would also prevent the staff fired in the process from being transferred or reassigned, in order to put a hard stop to all DEI initiatives under any name.

The Beacon also points out that the legislation goes a step further than previously proposed anti-DEI bills by eliminating requirements to keep tabs on the racial makeup of employees, for example, as well as requirements to collect data on the “diversity and inclusion efforts” of federal agencies.

Remarkably, if passed, the legislation could save the federal government billions of dollars, given that the Biden administration has spent over $16 million on diversity training in 2023 for government staff alone. Biden’s State Department sought another whopping $83 million for DEI programs last year that was slammed at the time by a Republican congressional aide as “useless.”

“Woke ideology and culturally en vogue but diplomatically useless DEI notions have come to penetrate every last inch of the State Department,” the aide told National Review. “Every office, and every process, has been colonized by this way of thinking. The new budget proposal reflects this.”

DEI initiatives have long been widely denounced by conservatives and moderates as divisive, but they have been coming under increasing fire for undermining the competence and most basic functioning of public institutions and private corporations, even putting lives at risk.

For example, some commentators have blamed growing — and at times catastrophic and fatal — airplane safety failures in part on DEI hires and policies. Upon the revelation that a doctor at Duke Medical School was “abandoning … all sort(s) of metrics” in hiring surgeons in order to implement DEI practice, Elon Musk warned that “people will die” because of DEI.

He elaborated on X, “If the standards for passing medical exams and becoming a doctor, or especially something like a surgeon – if the standards are lowered, then the probability that the surgeon will make a mistake is higher. (If) they’re making mistakes in their exam, they may make mistakes with people and that may result in people dying.”

“DEI destroys competence while making Americans into enemies,” commented Arthur Milikh, director of the Claremont Institute Center for the American Way of Life, a conservative group backing the bill. “This ideology must be fought, and its offices removed.”

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