
Steve Bannon tells Tucker he will pray Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola if he goes to jail – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon says he will rely on his Catholic faith to get him through his upcoming jail term.

“I do a lot of spiritual exercises following St. Ignatius of Loyola, different spiritual exercises that come out of the Catholic Church,” the 70-year-old ex-Navy officer told Tucker Carlson yesterday.

Bannon was sentenced to four months in prison two years ago after being held in contempt of Congress, a misdemeanor, for not appearing at the Deep State-run House Select Committee on January 6, citing executive privilege.

Bannon has remained out of jail thanks to filing numerous appeals.

On Tuesday, Bannon made a final emergency motion asking the D.C. Court of Appeals to throw out the decision by next week. If the request is not approved, he will spend the rest of campaign season behind bars, starting July 1.

This year’s Congressional and Presidential elections take place November 5.

Bannon has previously stated that the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola have had a beneficial impact on his life. In the book Bannon: Always the Rebel by Keith Koffler, he relates that he used the saint’s teachings on mediation and examination of conscience to get sober over 20 years ago.

“The daily exercise has helped to ground me by understanding my failures in the previous day before turning to the day ahead,” he said.

Bannon told Carlson that the “illegitimate regime” that is running the United States right now is silencing people like him because they want to send a message to Trump’s supporters.

“I don’t fear going to prison. I know it’s going to take my voice off. The war is still going to go on. And I keep saying it’s next man up,” he said.

Bannon also noted that his parents were devout Traditional Catholics and the Latin Mass they helped start in the 1970s in Richmond, Virginia was the same church the FBI was spying on since at least 2023.

“These people won’t stop at anything. Whether you’re a religious individual, whether you go to a Traditional Catholic Mass church,” he said. “This is a war to the knife; we have to win this. If we don’t win this, this country is going to devolve into some kind of neo-Marxist totalitarian regime.”

Bannon also remarked, “in my 20s, I served my country on a Navy destroyer. In my 70s, I’ll serve my country in a federal prison. It doesn’t make any difference … if I have to be a political prisoner, I’ll be a political prisoner.”

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