
Thanks to Justice Alito’s wife, the world now knows the Sacred Heart is the solution to LGBT ‘pride’ – LifeSite

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — Two opposed flags, flown by two opposed camps, driven by two opposed desires deeply at war with each other. The world now knows that the Sacred Heart of Jesus is the antithesis and solution to LGBT “pride” thanks to Martha-Ann Alito and a left-wing activist and the flags under which they stand.  

The unfurling and flying of the Sacred Heart flag that has spread throughout the country as a way of reclaiming the month of June, which Catholics have long dedicated to the Heart of Jesus, has infuriated the sexual revolutionaries of the rainbow alphabet, who in recent years have attempted to impose their flag on every government building and every private industry the world over. 

READ: Justice Alito’s wife says she wants ‘Sacred Heart of Jesus flag’ to counter LGBT flags: report 

The significance of the flag is not lost on the left. It is raised on territory that has been conquered. It shows adherence to a cause. It is political, a mark of defiance to one’s enemy and a sign to muster one’s forces and allies in war. As long as it stands, the war wages on. 

An undercover left-wing journalist thought she would target and humiliate the wife of conservative Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito by exposing her “extreme” opposition to the favored pet of the left: “pride” month. Instead, she revealed her own gross ignorance of a longstanding strong Catholic devotion and unwittingly proclaimed to the world the true antidote to the perverse “pride” that flies the sexualized rainbow flag. 

READ: EXCLUSIVE: Here is the company flying that enormous Sacred Heart flag 

In derisive tone, Lauren Windsor posted her recorded conversation with Martha-Ann Alito, highlighting the latter’s intention to fly a flag displaying the Sacred Heart of Jesus in defiance of the “pride” flag flown by LGBT activists during the month of June. 

The Hill, in its first report on the matter, initially called the Sacred Heart flag “a symbol associated with the Christian right wing, specifically used to protest Pride.” This was quickly, but quietly, changed to now read, “The Sacred Heart of Jesus flag has been used by some opponents of gay rights [sic] to protest Pride and LGBTQ rights [sic] in general.” The Hill published a second piece criticizing Alito for her Sacred Heart flag comments, attempting to characterize her as an extreme right-wing radical. 

First, it should be noted that, as any educated Catholic knows, devotion the Sacred Heart is a centuries-old Catholic devotion that has found its place in nearly every Catholic church throughout the world. Rarely does a Catholic church not display prominently a statue or image of the Sacred Heart of Christ. It is perhaps the most common statue outside churches as well, second only to the Cross. 

In Paris, on the site where Christ appeared to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque in the 1670s, revealing the love of His Sacred Heart for the world and asking for reparation for the sins of sacrilege and blasphemy, the impressive Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Sacra Coeur, towers over the entire city on its highest hill. There, in fulfillment of Our Lord’s request for reparation, prayers are continually offered to the Heart of Christ in the Eucharist through perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. 

READ: Five things you should know about devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus  

The feast of the Sacred Heart was established by Blessed Pope Pius IX in 1856 for observance by the whole Church following the feasts of Pentecost and Corpus Christi. This set its celebration every year in the month of June, with Catholics consequently dedicating the whole month of June to the Sacred Heart.  

Similarly, Catholics have dedicated the month of July to the Precious Blood of Christ because the feast of the Precious Blood is traditionally observed on July 1, just as they have dedicated the month of May to the Blessed Virgin Mary, which ends with the traditional feast of her Coronation in Heaven (or her Visitation to St. Elizabeth on the Novus Ordo calendar), and the month of October is dedicated to the Rosary because of the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7. 

So to Catholics who know their faith and live the devotional life of the Church, June has always been the month of the Sacred Heart, and the public expression of that, with acts of consecration to the Sacred Heart, recitation of the Litany of the Sacred Heart, processions of reparation, the displaying and adornment of images of the Sacred Heart, or now, flying a flag of the Sacred Heart, comes as no surprise. It is part and parcel of being a devout Catholic. And that a left-wing political activist considers that “extreme” shows her great ignorance of the Catholic faith, which should also come as no surprise. 

READ: US Catholics plan hundreds of Sacred Heart rallies in reparation for LGBT ‘pride’ Masses 

It is the same political left that was alarmed at Catholics calling the Rosary a spiritual weapon and that branded Catholics who attend Mass in Latin as “extreme,” “racists,” and “domestic terrorists” who needed to be surveilled by undercover FBI agents across the country. Now they are frightened when the devout Catholic wife of a devout Catholic Supreme Court Justice despises the sexual perversity that rainbow flag activists seek to impose on innocent children and society and instead declares she will fly the flag of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in defiance of their June agenda. 

Perhaps, however, the left is right to fear the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Was it not, after all, precisely on the feast of Sacred Heart that the golden calf of Roe v. Wade was cast down and defeated two years ago in June 2022? The same Heart of Christ, who in the Gospel embraced little children and affirmed, “He who receives a little child in My Name receives Me,” now marches on to defeat and conquer those who after killing in the womb, mutilate and sterilize the children who survive by convincing them they should try, impossibly, to change their sex. The Heart of Christ, pure, meek, and humble, is indeed the enemy of the sexually perverse “pride” that now shamelessly flies on public display every June. 

WATCH: Justice Alito’s wife caught on hidden mic praising Sacred Heart of Jesus – Slammed by media 

Well did St. Augustine write of the enmity between the world and those who love God: “Two cities, then, have been created by two loves: that is, the earthly by love of self, extending even to contempt of God, and the heavenly by love of God, extending to contempt of self.” 

These two cities today raise two flags: the one, perversely sexual, raises its rainbow flag in defiance of God’s law; the other, submissive to the sweet yoke of Christ, raises the banner of His Sacred Heart, pierced and wounded on the Cross by the sins and blasphemies of wicked men, that Heart whose love for sinners burned so strongly that it redeemed the world. 

As the Lenten hymn declares, “Let the banners of the King fly forth.” Let the flag the Sacred Heart be unfurled and defiantly flown, to the chagrin of Christ’s enemies. His month must be reclaimed.  

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