
Did a High-Ranking DOJ Official Orchestrate the Trump Verdict?

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Michael Colangelo stepped down from a high-ranking position in the DOJ to help Alvin Bragg find Trump guilty. Was the White House involved?

From Breitbart. President Joe Biden’s third-highest-ranking Department of Justice official quit to join the Manhattan office investigating Donald Trump on November 18, 2022 – only three days after Trump announced his 2024 run and the same day Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed special counsel Jack Smith, and White House attorneys met for eight-hours with Nathan Wade.

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The seismic timeline now revealed to begin with actions by White House officials on that single day – which revived and accelerated cases against Trump in Manhattan, Washington, Atlanta, and Florida – undermines the Biden White House’s denial of involvement in the lawfare against the former president.

Emerging details of that pivotal day, whose significance was first reported by Breitbart News, provides new credence to allegations by Trump and his allies that the former president has been politically targeted by weaponized government officials with White House coordination. …

In the aftermath of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s successful conviction of Trump in May, Michael Colangelo’s unorthodox decision to abandon his high-profile role as Acting Associate Attorney General, one of the highest-ranking law enforcement officers in the country, to serve as an assistant prosecutor in Bragg’s office has emerged as perhaps the most consequential development of November 18.

Colangelo’s self-inflicted career kneecapping has drawn increasing scrutiny in the wake of Bragg’s conviction of Trump on 34 felony counts, an outcome considered unlikely before Colangelo’s departure from DOJ. The verdict has been widely panned across the political spectrum. …

Although Bragg had “campaigned as the best candidate to go after the former president” according to the New York Times, soon after taking office, he quietly began to dial back investigations into the former president – reportedly after struggling to find a prosecutable crime. …

Colangelo’s arrival historically changed the trajectory of the investigation – which Trump has called a “zombie case” – despite Bragg’s apparent misgivings over making charges stick.

Colangelo’s role in orchestrating the case was so crucial, he presented opening arguments during the trial. …

Colangelo’s decision to take a lower profile job that enabled him to more directly target his boss’s top political opponent and 2024 rival is one of several remarkable political developments to emerge after the 2022 midterms – and one of three taking place on the same day.

As Breitbart News first reported, the three sparks of November 18 that grew into a lawfare inferno followed a November 9 press conference during which Biden, just three days after Trump publicly signaled his intent to run against the unpopular president, announced his clear intent to block Trump’s candidacy by measures other than the ballot box.

“We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power, if he does run, making sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next president again [sic],” Biden said of Trump. …

Trump formally announced his 2024 run on November 15, 2022. Three days later, on November 18, Colangelo submitted his notice, Garland appointed Smith to rejuvenate stalled investigations targeting Trump in Florida and Washington, and White House lawyers huddled all day with Wade, a key figure in Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’s prosecution of Trump.

For Trump’s allies and others, it is hard to swallow as a coincidence that those three events, so directly connected to the White House, could occur on the same day and so quickly after Biden’s pledge to block Trump without White House orchestration.

The Biden administration appears to be taking the offensive to combat the unmistakable appearance of White House coordination.

The day after Breitbart exposed the significance of November 18, the struggling Washington Post published an op-ed by Attorney General Merrick Garland writing off any criticisms of DOJ as politically motivated conspiracy theories. …

Garland was defensive when asked about Colangelo in a June 4 DOJ oversight hearing in the House Judiciary Committee.

In his opening statement, Garland had listed what he characterized as conspiracy theories against DOJ, including “false claims that a jury verdict in a state trial brought by a local district attorney was somehow controlled by the Justice Department.”

He then disputed characterizations that he personally detailed Colangelo to Manhattan.

“I did not dispatch Matthew Colangelo,” Garland said, repeating “that is false.” …

Despite the resources, political and otherwise, poured into them, Bragg’s convictions may not lead to the victory Biden may have assumed.

The verdict unleashed a record flood of donations to Trump. Polling shows the Biden campaign and its media allies’ coordinated branding of Trump as a “convicted felon” is not working. And Trump continues leading in the polls in seven crucial swing states, as the coast-to-coast lawfare against Trump seemingly has validated Trump’s claims that the legal assaults against him are politically motivated. …

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light— for the fruit of the light consists of all goodness, righteousness, and truth— testing what is pleasing to the Lord. Don’t participate in the fruitless works of darkness, but instead expose them (Ephesians 5:8-11).

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America – Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)

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