
How the Biden admin’s LGBT agenda led the Saudis to ditch the petrodollar – LifeSite

Tell Congress to stop the Biden administration from funding wars in Ukraine and Israel

(LifeSiteNews) — On June 9 a security deal between the U.S. and the Saudi Arabians to sell their oil exclusively in dollars came to an end. It was not renewed.

This 50-year security agreement was made on June 9, 1974. Described as a “milestone pact,” it tied Saudi oil production to U.S. election cycles, meaning cheap gas (and everything else) for U.S. voters at the right time – all the time.

Now, a new security agreement with the Saudis is taking its place. It is one which Arab News said on June 12 sees a new reality replace the old: “Saudi Arabia dictated its own political will on Washington.”

How has the Biden administration managed to destroy decades of U.S. influence over Saudi Arabia?

The chief diplomat of the United States restated his dedication to pressing the Saudis “on LGBTQI issues in every conversation.”

He did this at the height of the crisis in U.S.-Saudi relations last June – a crisis created by Biden himself.

Blinken’s priority was not the preservation of U.S. influence in Saudi Arabia, nor in the wider Middle East – which has also vanished.

Neither was Blinken’s priority to preserve the value of the U.S. dollar itself. Losing the Saudis means losing much of the status of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

The Saudis are no longer going to sell their oil in dollars only. They have refused to time oil supply cuts to favor U.S. domestic election cycles.

How did things get so bad?

Biden campaigned on destroying US influence 

On the campaign trail in November 2019, Joe Biden said it was his policy to punish Saudi Arabia:

We’re going to in fact make them pay the price, and make them in fact the pariah that they are.

Referring to the Saudi war in Yemen, he added his administration would “end the sale of material to the Saudis where they’re going in and murdering children.”

Condemnation for Saudi Arabia’s “human rights violations” followed, with outrage peddled over the murder of journalist Adnan Khashoggi.

In February 2021, the Biden admin released intelligence which linked the Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman to Khashoggi’s murder. This news was used to paint Bin Salman as a “pariah,” and isolate him from power.

It succeeded. Saudi Arabia is now isolating itself permanently from U.S. power. Why?

Biden snubs the Saudi crown prince

Joe Biden deliberately insulted the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Bin Salman, in 2021. At the time, regime media described this as a “snub” to the Saudi leader, who it also described as “the most powerful man in the region.”

What did the Biden admin say? It said it would not speak to MBS, as he is known, because he is the crown prince and not the king – and therefore not the equal and “counterpart” of President Biden.

This insult signaled a “recalibration” of U.S. relations with the Saudis. This recalibration has taken place. MBS survived the attempted regime change, and has agreed with Biden’s position.

He stopped talking to Biden.

MBS refused to answer the phone to Biden in 2022. The United Arab Emirates did the same. Both former allies are now joining the Chinese and Russians in BRICS – a non-dollar based alternative to the U.S. international system.

The Biden admin has done more to dismantle U.S. foreign power than any enemy action could hope to achieve.

U.S. influence in the Middle East has been sabotaged by the administration’s public stance on the issues it dutifully promotes – against the American interest, and in such a way as it enrages U.S. allies. This is how these allies have transitioned to “former” allies – and it is not just Saudi Arabia, either.

A true counterpart – two feeble old men?

The media campaign against the Saudi crown prince was an attempt to undermine his power, and replace it with that of someone more useful to the U.S. and its only remaining regional partner, Israel.

Someone more like a feeble old man with no real power.

The irony of this regime change attempt is remarkable. Why did the Biden administration say that Biden’s “counterpart is the king”?

The King of Saudi Arabia is the ruler in name only. He is an old man of diminished capacity.

The parallels do not end there. The Biden admin has denounced the real ruler of the Saudis, MBS for:

  • using the legal system against his political opponents,
  • committing war crimes in a military massacre.

Ignoring its own actions, the brilliant notion of the Biden admin was to “regime change” MBS instead.

Failed attempt at regime change

They tried to use U.S. media power and liberal-globalist issues like the LGBT agenda to force him out, as this May 2022 report from Saudileaks shows.

After MBS stopped answering the phone in March 2022, the Biden admin “vowed to impose ‘consequences’ on Saudi Arabia for its decision to slash oil production amid high energy prices and fast-approaching elections in the United States.”

Saudis threaten to cut ties to the US

Intelligence leaked to the Washington Post in June 2023 said this infuriated the Saudis so much, they threatened to cut all ties with the U.S.:

The [Saudi] crown prince claimed ‘he will not deal with the U.S. administration anymore,’ the document says, promising ‘major economic consequences for Washington.’

How did the Biden admin decide to respond? That same June saw Antony Blinken’s gay blitzkrieg on the Saudis.

Since that fateful Cringe Month, Blinken has met MBS twice. On both occasions the Saudis have refused to display the U.S. flag, in an obvious diplomatic insult.

Reporting on the meeting with MBS following Blinken’s disastrous pro-LGBT statement, online news agency Modern Diplomacy reported on the missing U.S. flag, saying the Biden admin was “dancing around Riyadh” to repair a relationship it has wrecked.

USA: A laughing stock

None of the “consequences” threatened by Biden have materialized. MBS, for his part, has made good on his part of the bargain – to cut off the U.S.

In March 2024, the Saudis again refused to display the U.S. flag behind Blinken.

Who’s laughing now? [Source: X]

As Donald Trump has said, the U.S. is a laughing stock as a result of the clown world politicking of the Biden administration.

The parallels of power

Of course, the Biden admin is trying to extradite Julian Assange – who has spent five years in prison and faces a 175-year prison sentence for publishing evidence of U.S. war crimes.

The Biden admin also continues to supply billions of dollars in cash and weapons to fund Israel’s ongoing genocide.

This commitment is also destroying U.S. regional influence in the Middle East. The new Saudi security arrangement will not come into force until the U.S.-sponsored massacre of the Palestinians is stopped. This is why the new U.S.-Saudi agreement was described as “dead on arrival” by the Washington Post last month. It is not going to happen. The Saudi-U.S. alliance is finished.

The Saudi foreign minister said last month that Israel “does not get to decide” whether the Palestinians should have a state, and stressed that the establishment of a Palestinian homeland was the only means of guaranteeing the long term national security of Israel.

The Biden administration has caved in to the Saudis. Biden vowed to make them a pariah – something untouchable because its reputation is so filthy. He has done this instead to the United States, which is now so despised as to have achieved the near impossible feat of unifying almost all its former friends and enemies in the region against itself.

It is not Saudi Arabia which is seen by the world as a pariah. That is Israel, the number one ally of the U.S., which has neither oil nor regional influence to offer. Israel does have one important thing in common with the Biden admin, however.

[Source: Article from the Times of Israel in 2015.]

Biden’s failed attempt at Saudi “recalibration” had all the hallmarks of a failed regime change operation.

Smears in the press about human rights. Political grandstanding about their defense. Threats of sanctions and the withdrawal of weapons supplies and, of course, the promotion of the rainbow banner of Satan.

U.S. influence in Saudi Arabia has not just been destroyed because the Saudis will not turn gay for pay.

It has been ruined because the old dog Biden knows no new tricks. He cannot make deals – only destroy them.

His arrogant reliance on forcing compliance has seen his administration dissolve one of the most significant U.S. strategic partnerships in history. This alliance is now history, and so is the U.S. dollar’s status as the reserve currency of the world.

This is the result of ideology versus reality. No matter how good you look in the media, reality has the best arguments in the end.

Tell Congress to stop the Biden administration from funding wars in Ukraine and Israel

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