
‘People died’: Candace Owens calls out Piers Morgan for attacking COVID jab skeptics – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Conservative commentator Candace Owens called out British TV host Piers Morgan in a Wednesday interview for having castigated COVID shot skeptics during the viral outbreak because “people died” due to so-called “vaccines” they believed were safe.

In an 80-minute interview touching on accusations of antisemitism against Owens for declaring that “Christ is King,” the Catholic convert and firebrand took mainstream media pundits like Morgan to task for parroting the government line on the COVID jabs.

Referring to such journalists, which Owens suggested included Morgan himself, she said, “They don’t take risks, they deliver the government talking points, and then they move once it kind of becomes OK to question the government.” She pointed out that such pundits would even accuse the unvaccinated of killing people themselves, and now some have regrets about things they’ve said about the COVID shot.

Owens asked Morgan if he was “still standing by” his claims that people who did not get the vaccine were stupid. In fact, Morgan had frequently denounced those who didn’t vaccinate or mask during the COVID outbreak as both “stupid” and “selfish.” For example, he once wrote, “‘I’ve got no problem with those refusing to have the Covid vaccines, so long as they have no problem with history recording them as selfish pricks who only cared about themselves in a global pandemic.”

Morgan also repeatedly called for the unvaccinated and even unmasked to be denied medical care for COVID. “Those who refuse to be vaccinated, with no medical reason not to, should be refused NHS care if they then catch Covid. I’m hearing of anti-vaxxers using up ICU beds in London at vast expense to the taxpayer. Let them pay for their own stupidity & selfishness,” Morgan wrote on X in July 2021.

People who refuse to get jabbed but whine about lockdowns really are a special breed of stupid selfish pr*cks,” he wrote months earlier.

Morgan told Owens that the only sense in which he had changed — “because the scientific advice changed” — was that he “would not rush to accept scientific advice in real time as actually 100% irrefutable, never to change, because science evolves, and especially in a health emergency.”

The “one thing” he admitted to changing his mind on, because of this change in scientific advice, was the idea that those who were vaccinated “could not transmit the virus.”

“I was then very censorious towards people who simply refused to have the vaccine because I said it’s not about you it’s actually about your ability to transmit it and maybe infect more vulnerable people, and I thought it was selfish.”

“I was way too censorious … and when the science advice changed and said actually there’s now evidence that suggests, and in fact (the evidence) looks clear … that if you have the vaccine it makes little difference to your ability to transmit the virus or not,” he continued.

Morgan still maintained, however, that COVID shots were “a good thing” and that they “saved millions of lives.”

So do not take my one clarification about the ability of a vaccine to prevent transmission as being some great mea culpa,” Morgan said.

Owens countered, “That’s a huge mea culpa … people died from the vaccines.” She went on to elaborate that there were “scores” of people like her grandfather who got vaccinated and died within a year because the shot advanced dementia or led to fatal blood clots. 

“If they had paused and listened to independent voices who I think probably have a greater strength when it comes to standing up to government initiatives, because we recognize that the government is not our friend and … is not trying to save our lives, maybe those people would be alive … if you had listened to people who were telling you their own experiences,” she continued.

“I know someone who went completely blind in one eye because of some weird ocular clots. So don’t pretend that’s a small thing,” she added. “People died from the vaccine.”

Morgan persisted in advocating vaccination in general, dismissing the adverse effects listed by Owens as either not caused by the COVID shot or as part of the inevitable risk of a medical intervention. 

Owens replied, “When you said you were censorious, I wish you would have allowed people who disagreed to present their arguments at that time, because I think that a lot of people who are now struggling getting blood clots and things of that nature, their lives would have been saved.”

“I don’t disagree with you,” Morgan said. “I had a lot of people around me dying from COVID in the most hideous circumstances.”

He shared the case of the husband of a co-presenter of his on the Morning Show who “went into a coma and never really came out of it” after getting the COVID virus, according to Morgan, who believes the man might have been saved by the COVID shot.

A significant body of evidence links significant risks to the COVID shots, which were developed and reviewed in a fraction of the time vaccines usually take under former President Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed initiative. The U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) alone reports 37,382 deaths, 215,734 hospitalizations, 21,616 heart attacks, and 28,299 myocarditis and pericarditis cases as of March 29, among other ailments. 

In Florida, a grand jury impaneled by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis is currently investigating the manufacture and rollout of the COVID vaccines. In February, it released its first interim report on the underlying justification for Operation Warp Speed that determined lockdowns did more harm than good, that masks were ineffective at stopping COVID transmission, that COVID was “statistically almost harmless” to children and most adults, and that it is “highly likely” that COVID hospitalization numbers were inflated. 

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