
Pope Francis tells prominent pro-abortion comedians that their jokes ‘make God smile’ – LifeSite

VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis met with prominent comedians, including pro-abortion Stephen Colbert, Whoopi Goldberg, and Jimmy Fallon, and told them that their jokes “make God smile.”

On Friday morning, Francis received around 100 comedians from 15 countries for a private audience, including Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Whoopi Goldberg, Conan O’Brien, and Chris Rock. Heterodox Father James Martin, who was formerly dubbed the “chaplain” of Stephen Colbert’s vulgar, left-wing “The Colbert Report,” was also present at the event.

“I look with esteem at you artists who express yourselves in the language of comedy, humor, irony,” Francis said in his address to the room full of famous comics. “How much wisdom is there!”

“Of all the professionals working in television, film, theater, print media, with songs, on social media, you are among the most loved, sought after, applauded,” he continued. “Certainly because you are good; but there is also another reason: You have and cultivate the gift of making people laugh.”

“Remember this,” Francis told the audience during his speech. “When you manage to make intelligent smiles gush from the lips of even one spectator — this I will now say is not heresy! — you also make God smile.”

“Humor does not offend, it does not humiliate, it does not nail people down to their faults,” the Pontiff claimed. “While today’s communication often generates oppositions, you know how to bring together different and sometimes even contrary realities.”

“How much we need to learn from you!” he proclaimed. “The laughter of humor is never ‘against’ anyone, but is always inclusive, purposeful, arouses openness, sympathy, empathy.”

Francis’ statement that these comedians “make God smile” whenever they make somebody smile may appear offensive to pious Catholic ears, as many of these comedians have promoted and joked about objective evils like abortion and homosexual “marriage.”

Moreover, several comedians present at the event have mocked and berated faithful Christians who defend the right to life and the traditional family despite the Pope’s claim that the “laughter of humor is never ‘against’ anyone.”

Colbert, a self-professed Catholic, strongly supports so-called homosexual “marriage” and abortion in clear violation of Catholic teaching, promoted a Netflix series that sexualized children, and has mocked Jesus. Whoopi Goldberg, with whom Francis already met in October 2023, also promotes abortion and LGBT ideology and claimed that killing babies in the womb is “not mentioned” in the Ten Commandments. In a comedy skit, Chris Rock admitted that abortion kills a baby but said that he believes women “should have the right (sic) to kill babies.” Fallon has attacked pro-life policies on his late-night show.

READ: Whoopi Goldberg meets with Pope Francis, champions his acceptance of homosexuality

Another U.S. “artist” invited to the Vatican event is Tig Notaro, a lesbian in a homosexual “marriage” who obtained twin sons with her “wife” through in vitro fertilization and surrogacy, which the Catholic Church condemns as gravely immoral. The Vatican also invited comedian Jim Gaffigan, who presents himself as a faithful Catholic but took his young children to New York’s LGBT “pride parade” in 2017.

Francis has signaled his support of Fr. Martin in many ways despite the latter’s promotion of homosexuality, most recently by writing the preface to Martin’s latest book. The Pope also appointed and reappointed him as a Vatican communications consultant and met with Martin multiple times, praising his pro-LGBT initiatives.

Martin has called for the term “objectively disordered” in reference to the homosexual inclination to be removed from the Catechism of the Catholic Church and replaced with “differently ordered” as part of his push to normalize homosexuality.


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