
Video emphasizes importance of case against Ottawa constable for investigating COVID jab’s risks – LifeSite

OTTAWA (LifeSiteNews) – A video clip explaining the plight of Canadian Constable Helen Grus, who was reprimanded in 2022 for investigating potential health risks from the COVID shots among infants who died suddenly, argues that her case is one of the “most important” in Canadian history.

Grus, a 20-year Ottawa Police Service veteran and mother of three, has been in an ongoing disciplinary hearing after being hit with misconduct charges for allegedly looking into the deaths of nine infants between June 2020 and January 2022.

A nine-minute video, done by “Freedom Fighter / Advocate for the ‘little guy’” Dave Freedom, documents Grus’ plight in a condensed form.

“This case in particular is one of the most important cases in Canadian history, as it will define how police investigate crimes,” Freedom noted in the video posted to social media at the end of May.

“The question then becomes, are we going to have police officers frightened like we do in communist countries to do their duty without thinking of the political implications and Western police forces across Canada and the United States? Police officers are encouraged to initiate any investigation.”

Grus has been testifying before a disciplinary hearing, which has seen lawyers for the OPS grill her over her official account of her investigations into infant deaths, and the alleged link to the COVID shots.

Grus has stated that her investigations were legitimate police work, and according to her lawyer, Bath-Sheba van den Berg, she had a “a hunch, not a mere hunch,” about the links between the COVID jabs and infant deaths.

Freedom stated in the video that “Helen faces the bogus charge of discreditable conduct for simply doing her job as an Ottawa police detective.”

According to Freedom, detective groups in January 2022 “initiated an investigation into a possible connection between nine sudden infant deaths and their mother’s vaccination status.”

“Mrs. Grus’ evidence package included Pfizer documents that showed 31 of 32 pregnancies, followed by trial investigators, resulted in spontaneous abortion. Only one baby of 32 pregnancies survived,” he said.

“Within days of opening the investigation, Detective Gross was suspended for discreditable conduct for initiating an unauthorized investigation and was formally charged in July 2022.”

During Grus’ testimony in late May, Grus said that right before she was placed on unpaid leave because she refused to get the COVID shot, she noted to a fellow worker that before being put on unpaid leave for declining a COVID vaccine she told a colleague that the increase in infant deaths “should be flagged and monitored.”

She has been accused of discreditable conduct after the OPS claimed that she transgressed a professional boundary by looking into infant deaths for cases. However, as a constable, she worked as a detective in the OPS sexual assault and child abuse unit, and that unit’s job is to investigate the sudden deaths of infants.

However, her superiors banned her from talking about the COVID shots in early 2022, right before the OPS put in place a jab mandate. Not satisfied, she complained to higher-ups, which only further escalated her problems.

Video claims coverup regarding infant deaths

In the video narration, Freedom claimed that in late March 2022 there was “overwhelming evidence” that two “police colleagues illegally” provided confidential police information to “CBC reporter Shemini Yongnam, which resulted in CBC articles and broadcasts about the police investigation.”

“Of course, impacting the investigation itself after leaking the story to CBC, Ottawa police were then faced with a 24-hour ultimatum from reporter Shamini Yagam to contact the parents of the deceased infants before this story broke,” Freedom said.

“So, it’s just a giant coincidence that after the news broke, Ottawa police made a financial settlement with one of the parents. The news was then used as a propaganda tool to assist in swaying public opinion.”

According to Freedom, the “timing” of the “settlement” was interesting considering it was “one day before Detective Bruce’s hearing in December 2023.”

Freedom noted that the “mainstream media has been very strategic in their reporting” concerning Grus as well as the COVID shots in general, with “just enough to cover the basics but not too much to stir the pot.”

“Of course, things you’ll never see the mainstream media report on, is the fact that the one and only parent of the nine deceased infants Detective Grus contacted during her investigation, very much appreciated her phone call, or that the grandfather of another deceased infant only had positive things to say about Detective Grus at the tribunal,” he said.

Freedom noted that members of the OPS at one point, in going after Grus, “got so desperate for a smidge of wrongdoing that they initiated a wiretap listening in on Detective Gross and her family.”

He noted how legally obtaining a wiretap on an individual is extremely hard to do, but the OPS did conduct a 36-hour wiretap of Grus that “came back with absolutely nothing.”

Regarding Grus trial, video alleges ‘the fix is in’

In the video posting regarding Grus’ plight with the OPS, according to Freedom, “the fix is in.”

“Just as Detective Grus was to testify in her own defence, her counsel Blair Ector, announced to the tribunal that his client had received a threatening e-mail earlier in the day. He said, and I quote, ‘It’s come to my attention today that Inspector Hugh O’Toole sent an e-mail to my client stating that she cannot rely on any Ottawa police service documents.’ That is witness tampering, that is intimidation. That is obstruction. This tribunal should be outraged, Ector said,” Freedom noted.

Freedom also observed that adjudicator Chris Renwick “ruled that defence has to give all of their questions for witnesses in advance,” and that Grus could “not review her own handwritten notes from January 30th, 2022.”

Also, all five “defence expert witnesses were denied by adjudicator” Renwick, according to Freedom, which included doctors specializing in pediatric neurology and obstetrics and gynecology.

As it stands today, Grus was actually brought back into the OPS in late 2022 after being assigned to the robbery unit, which is where she currently works.

“I was actually very relieved and grateful,” Grus said, regarding a recent job review.

“I love policing. I’m happy to be in the robbery unit working with some of the best officers. And this just solidified that I can still do the job actively, even under pressure even under the pressure and the charges I’m facing.”

COVID vaccine mandates, which came from provincial governments with the support of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s federal government, split Canadian society. Many governmental or private sector workers lost their jobs for refusing to get the shots.

The mRNA shots themselves have been linked to a multitude of negative and often severe side effects in children.

The jabs also have connections to cell lines derived from aborted babies. As a result, many Catholics and other Christians refused to take them.

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