
E. Coli Discovered in Paris Seine River Just Ahead of 2024 Summer Olympics  – American Faith

Unsafe amounts of E. coli has been found in the water in the Seine River, the location for swimming competitions, just months before the summer Paris Olympics. 

According to test results published this week, contamination levels in the first week of June showed bacteria such as E. coli to be higher than considered safe present in the water.  

The report, published by monitoring group Eau de Paris, came just one day after an International Olympic Committee executive claimed there were “no reasons to doubt” competition will continue on as normal. 

The first event to take place in the river is reportedly the men’s triathlon, including a 1.5 kilometer swim on July 30. 

“We are confident that we will swim in the Seine this summer,” IOC official Christophe Dubi said.

The Seine river has been in question since test events last summer were cancelled after heavy rains polluted the water. 

The final decision as to whether or not athletes will compete in the water rests on World Aquatics and World Triathlon. 

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