
6 Ways God Transforms Us at Our Lowest Points

The lowest point I have ever been to was living in the aftermath of all the death I saw in my first year of college. Our family dog had passed away in early February, leaving my family and I with a hole in our heart that has never healed. Some people treat dogs as if they are but animals, yet for many, they become family. Dogs have a way of entering our lives right when we need them, but they leave far too soon. 

In the fall months, my mom had to enter the hospital for congestive heart failure. Shortly after admission to the hospital, she passed away, too. The death of my mom has shattered my world in ways that I cannot fully articulate. To this day, I have still not been able to process all of the pain and sorrow her death has brought into my world. 

Going to therapy and talking out matters with a therapist has helped somewhat, yet the wound has not healed. Before the end of the year had come around, my uncle passed away as well. In this one year, I lost three people who meant the world to me. I didn’t want to get out of bed, I didn’t want to face the day, and I didn’t want to live anymore. Without these vital people in my life, I hit rock bottom.

The good news is that God didn’t leave me in the darkness. He brought me out of the dark depths and placed my feet on level ground (Psalm 40:2). This is true for everyone, including you. God will bring you out of the dark depths and place your feet on level ground—a ground covered in flowers and green pastures. In doing so, He has a way of transforming us more into the image of His Son. 

Here are six ways God transforms us at our lowest points.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Maria Dorota

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