
How North Korea is capitalizing on Russia’s war woes

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a sweeping treaty with Russian President Vladimir Putin last week. It holds that if an armed invasion of North Korea puts the country in a “state of war,” Russia will be required to provide military assistance “with all means in its possession” to North Korea “without delay” – and vice versa. 

The United States, Japan, and South Korea have condemned the bold new alliance, while China has remained publicly aloof. By drawing closer, Moscow and Pyongyang – Beijing’s two closest partners – gain a degree of new leverage with Beijing, but China’s official position is that Russia and North Korea can conduct their relationship as they see fit. And the two junior partners are forging ahead.

Why We Wrote This

Vladimir Putin’s brief Asia tour marks his latest bid to rally old allies of the Soviet Union, with major ramifications for international security.

Pyongyang has sent thousands of containers of munitions to Russia in recent months, and this new strategic partnership opens the door to military, technology, and economic benefits for Pyongyang. It illustrates how Mr. Kim has used Russia’s battlefield shortages in Ukraine to boost his bargaining position with Moscow – a coup for his isolated dictatorship.

“North Korea can produce masses of cheap artillery shells, drones, and battlefield missiles. That’s what Russia needs right now,” says Sergei Markov, a former Kremlin adviser. In turn, “North Korea wants technical assistance in missiles and satellite technology.”

North Korea has exploited the Ukraine war to gain geopolitical leverage with Russia – forging a bold new alliance with President Vladimir Putin that poses security risks for Northeast Asia and the world.

Russia-North Korea relations have advanced rapidly following North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s trip to Russia last September, and since then Pyongyang has sent an estimated 11,000 containers of munitions to Russia, according to the U.S. State Department. During Mr. Putin’s visit last week to Pyongyang – his first in 24 years – the two leaders agreed to a “comprehensive strategic partnership,” Russia’s highest level of bilateral ties.

The centerpiece of the sweeping treaty is its mutual defense clause. It holds that if an armed invasion of North Korea puts the country in a “state of war,” Russia will be required to provide military assistance “with all means in its possession” to North Korea “without delay” – and vice versa. While the details of the treaty remain secret, that clause could effectively give North Korea shelter under Russia’s nuclear shield.

Why We Wrote This

Vladimir Putin’s brief Asia tour marks his latest bid to rally old allies of the Soviet Union, with major ramifications for international security.

“This treaty has significant potential to endanger regional as well as global security,” says Rachel Minyoung Lee, a senior fellow for the Korea Program at the Stimson Center in Washington. “The treaty paves the way for Russia to become involved militarily in the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia if needed by locking in North Korea,” she says. “This provides North Korea with an extra nuclear cover against its perceived external threats, namely the United States, South Korea, and even China.”

Global reactions

In joining forces, Mr. Putin and Mr. Kim share the goals of breaking out of their pariah status, defying U.S.-led sanctions on their regimes, and promoting a multipolar world order, experts say. But the heightened cooperation by two actors widely viewed as unpredictable and disruptive could backfire.

The U.S., Japan, and South Korea issued a joint statement on Sunday strongly condemning the deepening military cooperation between Pyongyang and Moscow, and pledging to counter the threat from North Korea. In reaction to the treaty, South Korea has indicated it could consider providing weapons to Ukraine.

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