
If Every Christian Voted, We Would ‘Never Lose’ Another Election

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Many Christians do not understand the power their vote has. If all of us were to vote, we could shift elections and administrations!

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From Breitbart. Conservative activist Scott Presler told Breitbart News that if every Christian voted in the United States, “we would never lose another presidential election.”

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Presler, who spoke to Breitbart News on Sunday at Turning Point Action’s “The People’s Convention” in Detroit, Michigan, stressed the need for every Christian in America to register to vote.

“People really need to understand if every Christian in America actually voted, we would never lose another presidential election,” he said. “And 30 percent of evangelicals — it’s not that they don’t even vote — 30 percent are not registered to vote.”

“We want to get people registered so they can go from the pews to the polls,” Presler, who runs the voter registration organization Early Vote Action, added. …

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(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Casey Robertson on Unsplash)

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