
Irish Catholics fly Sacred Heart of Jesus flags in response to LGBT ‘pride’ – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — As Irish people grow tired of the constant barrage of pride propaganda and the infestation of pride flags which can be seen flown from Dublin airport to the GPO (General Post Office) and from government buildings to schools, over a thousand Irish people have decided to counter the pride movement by flying Sacred Heart flags, posters, and banners.

They have done so to remind Irish people that June already has a special designation. The banners say, “June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.”

A number of different lay Catholic groups simultaneously decided to start small campaigns to encourage people to recall that the month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and not to the celebration of the very gravest of all sins. With the different groups combined, it is estimated that over a thousand Sacred Heart banners and flags are presently erected around Ireland for the month of June.

A thousand banners, flags, and posters flying around the country is a great start, and we hope to see this increase year on year until there is a recollection and dedication to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on every road and street in Ireland in the month of June.

Michael from Dublin, who was involved in distributing flags, said: There is a pandemic of pride which has engulfed large swathes of Irish society. A brief walk through Dublin City, like most cities in the western world, will showcase how God’s enemies seek to lead people astray by glorifying pride.”

RELATED: Five things you should know about devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

“To cure society from the virus of pride, we will not need to violate any human rights by forcing a jab upon the masses; we simply need to remind people to repent and return to the merciful heart of Jesus. One simple way we can remind people of that is to fly a Sacred Heart flag or banner.”

Michael said that the flag featuring the Sacred Heart, the Irish tricolor, and the shamrock was designed by a priest from the Institute of Christ the King. The Dubliner acknowledged the freemasonic origins of the Republic’s national flag but said that the addition of the Sacred Heart expresses the bearers’ fully Catholic intentions.

“Although a number of Irish people do not like the tricolor because it was originally designed by Freemasons, in the eyes of the world it is still our national flag,” he said. “It is our national flag until we Catholics get into government and change that. Until then, placing a Sacred Heart on it displays our intent to make Ireland Catholic again and can also show that the Sacred Heart will foil the plans of the Freemasons. It is like claiming their flag for God and making it Catholic.

Should this be the new Irish flag? 

Conor from County Meath explained this flag’s design, saying: The four shamrocks represent the four provinces of Ireland placed under The Most Holy Trinity; green symbolizes Ireland and, as it does in liturgical use, the life and hope that the Sacred Heart of Jesus offers us; [and] white represents the peace and joy we will experience when we live in obedience to God’s commandments.”

Although time is running out to join this year’s June campaign, if you would like to take part in the campaign next year, or if you would like to fly the Sacred Heart flag throughout the year, you can purchase flags and banners from the Irish-Nuntii shop.

RELATED: US Catholics plan hundreds of Sacred Heart rallies in reparation for LGBT ‘pride’ Masses

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