
New Conservative MP sponsors petition to stop ‘sex changes’ for children in Canada – LifeSite

OTTAWA (LifeSiteNews) – A petition that has the support of a newly elected Conservative MP calling for the House of Commons to “cease all” surgical or chemical “transitioning” of children or any “gender-affirming” care for kids that causes “irreversible” harm is quickly gaining steam.  

Petition e-5010, sponsored by Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) MP Jamil Jivani, who recently won a by-election in Durham, Ontario by a wide margin, says that the “protection of our youth from irreversible and harmful medical interventions should be a top priority for the Government of Canada.” 

“We are deeply troubled by the largely unrestricted social and medical options being presented to children struggling with gender ideation in Canada,” the petition reads. 

“Recent revelations, including the discredited nature of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) and the findings of the Cass Review, commissioned by NHS England, underscore significant concerns regarding the safety and effectiveness of current treatment modalities.” 

The petition notes that the “protection of our youth from irreversible and harmful medical interventions” should be a “top priority for the Government of Canada,” and that the House of Commons must “prioritize evidence-based practices and take decisive action to ensure the safety and well-being of all children and adolescents in Canada.” 

The petition was Initiated by Jessica Street of Whitby, Ontario. It calls on the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to “cease all physical medical procedures for individuals under the age of 18 and gender-affirming care for those under 16 years of age.” 

As well, it calls for the government to instead “adopt evidence-based guidelines that prioritize non-invasive, reversible forms of intervention until individuals reach an age where they can provide informed consent.” 

Lastly, the petition asks that the Trudeau government “disengage from any association or endorsement of WPATH and its recommendations, as they have been largely discredited and are not conducive to safeguarding the well-being of children and adolescents.” 

The petition went live on June 12 and will close for signatures on October 10. As of publication, it has just under 1,500 signatures.  

Jivani has made public statements in support of parental rights as well as fighting the so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) agenda. 

Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) has given Jivani a “yellow light” rating because he chose not to complete their election survey. As such, his full views on pro-life and pro-family issues are not clear. However, CLC noted “during his career as a conservative-leaning radio broadcaster, Jamil often expressed views that were sympathetic to the pro-life and pro-family cause.” 

Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre only recently voiced support for a ban on puberty blockers for minors as well as Alberta’s ban on “transitioning” kids. 

As it stands now, the Trudeau government has already banned so-called “conversion therapy” via Bill C-4, which prohibits parents, counselors, and pastors from helping children accept their God-given bodies. 

Bill C-4 punishes anyone helping children or others with gender confusion or unwanted same-sex attraction with jail time of up to five years. It is illegal in Canada to try and reverse a person’s orientation from homosexual to heterosexual, even if that person is an adult who is voluntarily seeking help. 

Surgical or chemical ‘transitioning’ of children in at least one Canadian province to be soon banned  

Some provinces, such as Alberta, have taken action to ban puberty blockers as well as forever body-altering “top” or “bottom” surgeries for minors. 

On January 31, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith announced the strongest pro-family legislation in Canada, protecting kids from life-altering so-called “top and bottom” surgeries as well as other forms of transgender ideology. 

A recent study, as reported by LifeSiteNews, gives unequivocal evidence that people who undergo so-called “gender reassignment” surgery are at higher risk of suicide – an astounding 12 times that of the general population. 

The Trudeau government has gone all in on promoting transgenderism and gender ideology, as can be seen from their federal “2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan,” which gives $100 million in funding over five years for homosexual and transgender initiatives. 

LifeSiteNews recently wrote about how well-known anti-woke Canadian psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson accused the Trudeau government of going along with the “worst medical scandal ever” after continuing to promote transgender ideology by not banning puberty blockers for children with gender confusion. 

As recently reported by LifeSiteNews, the Trudeau government introduced a bill that not only mocks Catholic teaching on marriage and family but proposes January 7 as a yearly national “day” to raise “awareness” of so-called “conversion therapy.” 

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