
Trump says he will get jailed pro-lifers like Paulette Harlow ‘out of the gulag’ if re-elected – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Donald Trump told a group of Evangelicals this weekend that if he is re-elected he intends to come to the aid of pro-lifers and Christians who have been thrown in jail by the “weaponized” Biden Justice Department. 

“We will rapidly review the cases of every political prisoner who is unjustly victimized by the Biden regime … so we can get them out of the gulag and back to their families where they belong,” the former president said. 

Trump gave the keynote address at the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s “2024 Road to Majority” conference in Washington, D.C., on Saturday. Others who spoke include potential Trump vice presidential running mates Dr. Ben Carson, Tulsi Gabbard, and Congresswoman Elise Stefanik. 

In his remarks, Trump drew specific attention to the case of Paulette “Paula” Harlow, whom LifeSite reporter Doug Mainwaring has previously interviewed 

Harlow, who is 75 and suffers numerous debilitating health conditions, was sentenced to 24 months in jail for blocking access to a late-term abortion facility in the nation’s capital. She had been found guilty in November 2023 on charges of “conspiracy against rights” and violation of the FACE Act for her involvement in a peaceful pro-life rescue conducted at an infamous late-term abortion center in October 2020. 

READ: Pro-life rescuer Paulette Harlow sentenced to 24 months in DC FACE Act case

She told Mainwaring that “there was a great injustice with the entire case” and that “there is a civil war in our country against babies and future U.S. citizens.” 

In his remarks Saturday, Trump told Paula, who he called a “good woman,” to “hold on” because “we’re going to get you out of there.” 

“Paula is one of many peaceful pro-lifers who Joe Biden has rounded up — sometimes with SWAT teams — and thrown them in jail,” he said. “This is just crazy. We’re going to get that taken care of immediately. First day. But let’s call these brave Americans what they really are. It’s persecuted Christians. That’s what they are.” 

During his more than an hour-long speech, Trump hit on familiar campaign themes. While noting that Catholics are “being persecuted” by Biden, he also said that he intends to create a task force that will combat anti-Christian attacks because “the radical left will always come after religious believers,” as “they know that our allegiance is not to them … our allegiance is to our country and our allegiance is to our Creator.” 

He further noted that he supports exceptions for abortion and that politicians need to “go with their heart” when it comes to the issue but that they also need to “get elected,” implying that they too should also support the murder of unborn children in certain circumstances.  

Harlow is one of the famous “D.C. Nine” that includes other veteran pro-life advocates Heather Idoni, Lauren Handy, Will Goodman, John Hinshaw, Rosemary “Herb” Geraghty, Joan Andrews Bell, Jonathan Darnel, and Jean Marshall. All were tried for violating the FACE Act in Washington for their joint efforts to defend unborn life. LifeSite has reported extensively on their trial and sentencings, which included Idoni stunningly being denied home confinement despite suffering a stroke while incarcerated.  

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