Pornography & Repentance

Pornography degrades the mind into darkness, dulling our senses so that we lose the ability to appreciate the subtle art …

John Rogers & Rebecca Peale, Martyrs

Hopeful, dedicated, and spiritually zealous Rev. John R. Peale completed seminary, was licensed and ordained, married Rebecca, and with his …

Glued or Grown Out of?

The proper kind of apologetic defense of the Reformed Christian faith grows out of its theological soil reflecting its organic …

Suffering and the Gospel, Part 1

Suffering is a universal experience. If you have a pulse, you either have or will experience suffering. My sad conviction …

How Organisms Reveal Divine Purpose and Design

[Denis] Noble is neutral on religious matters. Yet he sees compelling evidence that purpose may be fundamental to life….Noble’s critics …

We Still Have Work to Do

The 51st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America was a success. It was a success because we came …

A Call to Visitation Ministry

Jesus spoke the most plain words about visiting lonely believers who can’t come to church. His words make it clear …

How to Recognize and Overcome Shame through Faith

Shame is not the same as guilt. Appropriate guilt is a sign that you know you did something wrong. Appropriate …