
Former Uvalde Police Chief Indicted Over School Shooting – American Faith

The former chief of the Uvalde School District police has been indicted over the 2022 attack in Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.

Former Uvalde police chief Pete Arredondo was charged with 10 counts of child endangerment this week.

The school district police officer at the time, Adrian Gonzales, was also charged with 29 counts of abandoning and endangering a child.

The indictments are the first charges against law enforcement officials in connection with the incident.

“After hearing gunshots and after being advised of the general location of the shooter and having time to respond to the shooter, the said Adrian Gonzales failed to engage. distract or delay the shooter and failed to attempt to engage, distract, and delay the shooter and failed to otherwise act in a way to impede the shooter until after the shooter entered rooms 111 and 112 of Robb Elementary School and shot at a child or children in Rooms 111 and 112,” the indictment states.

According to the Austin American-Statesmen, the official “failed to respond as trained to an active shooter incident … thereby delaying the response by law enforcement officers to an active shooter who was hunting and shooting a child or children in Room 112 at Robb Elementary School.”

Last month, families of the victims from the shooting sued social media giant Meta and a video game maker.

According to the lawsuits, the companies promoted deadly weapons to a generation of “socially vulnerable” young men, including the shooter who killed 19 children and two teachers during the attack.

The lawsuits claim that Instagram, Activision and Daniel Defense have been “partnering in a scheme that preys upon insecure, adolescent boys”, attorneys said.

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