
Hungary launches foreign influence probe, sparking outrage from the US and EU – LifeSite

Tell Congress to stop the Biden administration from funding wars in Ukraine and Israel

(Conservative Treehouse) — The elected government of Hungary is not permitted to block, slow, stall, impede, or otherwise interfere in the operations of the U.S. State Department and CIA to control the nation of Hungary. The efforts of Hungary to maintain its sovereign status are not acceptable. So sayeth the institutions that ultimately seek control over other nations.

Given the years of protestations and claims about Russia interfering in U.S. politics, if those expressed positions against the Hungarian government sound like massive hypocrisy from the United States, you would be correct. But hey, that’s how the U.S. operates now.

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Hungary is investigating the subversive activity of foreign interest groups inside the sovereign nation. The State Department and CIA are furious. From Reuters:

Hungary’s Sovereignty Protection Office launched an investigation on Tuesday into the Hungarian branch of the anti-corruption watchdog Transparency International (TI) and an online investigative outlet that focuses on corruption.

Hungary’s parliament passed a law late last year that set up an authority, the Sovereignty Protection Office, to explore and monitor risks of political interference.

The law, which has been criticised by the European Union, the United States and several international organisations, bans foreign financing for parties or groups running for election and carries punishments of up to three years in prison.

[…] The law was criticised by the U.S. State Department, as well as by a panel of constitutional law experts from the Council of Europe, a human rights watchdog, which said it can have ‘a chilling effect’ on free and democratic debate in the country.

The European Commission launched an infringement procedure over the law in February this year, citing its potential to undermine the union’s democratic values and fundamental rights.

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Who knew?

The new global “democracy” is apparently defined as the ability of approved Western nations to interfere in the election outcomes of other nations. If you do not permit the State Department, CIA, and USAID to control the political outcomes in your country, well, you are not really a democracy.

Nice country you have there, Viktor, it’d be a shame if something happened to it!

Reprinted with permission from Conservative Treehouse.

Tell Congress to stop the Biden administration from funding wars in Ukraine and Israel

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