
LifeSite still needs your help – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Dear LifeSiteNews readers,

You have brought us up to 60 percent of our Summer Campaign goal. That is a lot better than where we were just a few days ago! Our entire team is tremendously grateful to everyone who has made a financial gift during this campaign!

We have now extended our campaign until this Friday because of the large shortfall.

We don’t panic. We pray, tell you what our need is – at this time $300,000 more is needed – and then leave it up to you to decide how much you value our news reporting, and how much you want it to continue and can contribute to make it continue.

I must mention again that we have a huge email subscriber list without which we could never have survived the large-scale censoring that we have endured. That censoring is a testament to the impact of our news reports. We are telling our readers many things that the powerful elites don’t want you to know.

If most of the people who receive our emails, plus those who read LifeSite reports by coming to our website every day, would donate just $5, $10, or more, our goal would easily be reached.

Simple math confirms that.

Please donate to

Even now, toward the end of the formal campaign date, the goal can realistically still be reached. We have also seen that numerous donations are made on the last day and for several days after the end of the campaign. We are hoping and praying for that again.

Some donate much more to make up for all those who cannot donate anything at this time. And, of course, that is always a huge help.

We don’t want anyone who cannot donate to feel guilty about that. We fully understand that inflation and other issues are causing financial issues for many of you.

Above all, we want you to read our reports because you are the change agents who can save our civilization. We provide the information for you to ACT ON and it is always a free-of-charge service.

That is the purpose of LifeSiteNews – to inform, inspire, motivate, experience conversion, and facilitate right decisions and ACTIONS. That includes communications with political, religious and other leaders, joining a political party, running for office, praying, and expressing encouragement and gratitude to those we write about who are engaging in heroic, needed actions.


To those of you who cannot donate at this time, PLEASE pray for the success of this campaign. We firmly believe that does really make a difference. Can you please do that for us right now?

We published three articles for you on Friday herehere, and the most condemning yet by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, on the astonishing damages to the Catholic Church by Pope Francis that gets worse every day. Now he is even working to change the role of the papacy into a minor role radically different from which Christ specifically directed it to be – “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.”

Vigano openly accuses Francis of “heresy and schism.” This is of course deeply bewildering and disturbing for most Catholics and unprecedented in all of Church history. Never have Catholics needed the intercession of the Holy Spirit more than today to guide the Church to a resolution of this great crisis.

The interview with Dr. Scott Atlas that we published on Friday is enlightening and disturbing. Atlas gave a scathing rebuke of nearly every aspect of the U.S. policy response to COVID, the formulation of which he was able to witness up close as an adviser to former President Donald Trump in 2020 alongside high-ranking health officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci.

He was one of the very few persons in the government who kept advocating for the correct policy decisions in response to COVID. He tells the shocking inside story of what happened in the White House and the three-letter health agencies during the crisis. You will enjoy listening to and seeing this good man and faithful adherent to the Hippocratic Oath who did his best to protect the American people.

Atlas was most grieved over the harm done to children by the terrible policies that were implemented despite his warnings. He was one of those we relied upon for our extensive COVID reporting.

The presidential candidates’ debate on Thursday night was a disaster for Joe Biden. It appears some Democrats may have wanted him to do badly so that there would be a movement within the party to quickly select a replacement to avoid a landslide Trump win in November. It is almost certain Biden will be replaced, probably by slick California Gov. Gavin Newsom.

John-Henry Westen and Deacon Keith Fournier video-recorded an excellent summary and analysis of the debate that I am sure you will enjoy. Biden presented as a sad leader during the debate. Trump was thankfully able to control his usual interruptions and outbursts throughout the debate. It was refreshing to see him exercise that self-control that did him well.

The CNN moderators’ and Biden’s statements on fake, man-caused “climate change” were a stream of outright lies, as usual. Trump handled that question well.


Trump confirmed his sadly disappointing “middle-ground” position on abortion during the debate. This was not the pro-life champion Trump of 2016 and 2020. Biden had difficulty in coherently presenting his extreme pro-abortion position, but he did manage to give it.

Campaign Life Coalition urged the giant Toronto Catholic school board, one of the largest school boards in North America, to vote to ban any staff from participating in Toronto’s massive “Pride Parade,” as many have done each year. We should naturally question why such a campaign is needed for a “Catholic” school board. But it is unfortunately greatly needed. The Catholic teachers’ union, the board staff, and most elected trustees are firmly pro-LGBT and the bishops and many Catholic clergy have been mostly silent and too fearful or are even supportive of the annual depravity event.

Dr. Peter McCullough warns of strong indications of a link between the COVID injections and increasing Alzheimer’s disease.

There is much more. I think you will agree that there is no other news service in the world that publishes what we publish every day. Much of it can be difficult to believe at first because all the other new services most rely upon are reporting opposite “facts”.

Our consistent experience has been that, over time, and as other news media start to catch up to what we have discovered, critics eventually come to realize that our reports have been on the right track.

We persevere in reporting what we are fully convinced is the TRUTH, regardless of massive censoring, numerous criticisms, false accusations and even threats. We promise that you will ALWAYS receive the truth from us, no matter how unlikely that may seem at times.

I have to admit it can be quite stressful at times dealing with condemnations from the unconvinced , but our daily prayers and total commitment to reporting the truth on all issues, and the support of faithful, generous readers, amazingly keep LifeSiteNews going year after year.

Please keep our urgent financial need in mind. If you cannot donate, please pray for the success of the campaign.


God bless you all.

We wish all of our Canadian readers a Happy Canada Day today!

Steve Jalsevac

Steve is the co-founder and managing director of 

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