
3 Truths to Anchor You When Grief Makes Christ Seem Distant

What do you do when you feel your prayers haven’t been answered, your soul hasn’t been comforted, and your life hasn’t been blessed with His promises?

First, you breathe, and you keep reminding yourself to breathe. It seems simple, but grief transforms simple tasks into complex ones. You hurt before you can heal. You sit with this new truth and a new path for your future. And when you’re ready, you honor your grief while acknowledging that God’s silence does not mean His absence. As a friend once told me in the storm of grief– “The teacher is always quiet during the test.” And grief, it certainly feels like a test. 

A test of courage to continue.

A test of the bravery to remain faithful, even in the midst of loss.

A test of hope– allowing glimmers of light to shine through when all you feel is darkness.

A test of trust– that you will not allow difficult moments to create distance between you and the Lord. 

It is a test to remain steadfast in your beliefs and your knowing, even when you cannot understand or comprehend the outcomes of this life. 

When you cannot feel His comfort and when Christ feels far away, you read His promises and His truth—He is always close. He is always present, especially in our time of need. You simply need to be open to his reminders and listen to hear His voice. 

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/bernardbodo

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